Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 December 2017


Please check back to last week's thread for information from Annette on the fire threat!!! She posted photos that you will want to see!!!

The December Solstice is Thursday at 4:28 p.m. in the U.K, 11:28 a.m. in the eastern U.S., 8:28 a.m. in California, and Friday, 22 December, at 2:57 a.m. in Adelaide, Australia! 

Everyone have a great week, and STAY SAFE, ANNETTE!

Juvenile Red-Tailed Hawk
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Thank you DIANE for starting us off and for the link.

    ANNETTE Yes, Callum will have to pay increased insurance. The fine was in three figures, I think. I was told but it hasn't been mentioned since! His car is sitting outside Alison's house, he is banned for thirty days. Regarding the daughters - when I remind them of certain things from their youth I don't use my Mum Voice! We (usually!) all have a chuckle about it.

    Yesterday was good fun as Amy and Katie did the tree and put their own stamp on the house by way of decorations. One or two things have been removed this morning, by me. I don't really think that the central heating thermostat on the wall needed to be garlanded -

    Most of the snow and ice has gone. We spotted widowed lady across the road attempting, last night, to break up the thick ice at the bottom of her sloping drive. With a spade, using it as you would use a pick. Eldest son in law intervened and put some road salt down. Honestly, she gave me a fright. I'm not sure which was worse, the way that she was standing on the ice or the way she was attacking it with a garden spade!

    ANNETTE - it looks as if you are still at home. I looked at your local TV station, will do so again later.

    LINDY - your view looks like a Christmas card - and AQ - love the flowers on your card. I'm happy that you got to the library and yes, we have to prioritise at this time of year.

    Have got a Cornish pasty cooking, can smell it as I forgot to close kitchen door. Better go and investigate

  • Lindybird: Oh my!  I can feel that crisp clean air outside your window - I want to rush out your door and bury my face in the snow!!

    Heather: Ah yes, the Mom voice, I have noticed a difference in how that affects things.  Is Callum grounded by the courts or  his Mom?

    Gosh, the folks on the TV last night are still there this morning and still out in the field.  Still, very calm here today (Ventura County is dealing with the winds today); we apparently are due for a repeat performance of Saturday's winds this Wednesday/Thursday.    Can't imagine how much of a hit the tourist industry is taking with this; the cost of fighting it currently stands at more than $100 million, not to mention the devastation to the land itself.

    Sorry to keep on about the fire, but it's quite extraordinary.

  • ANNETTE   thinking of you and family suffering in those awful conditions.

  • Annette, please don't apologise for 'keeping on' about the fire.  We are getting pretty scanty reports in our news bulletins - having a first-hand account from you adds to our understanding of what you are all going through.  We included prayers for you all in church this morning.  Please keep letting us know how things progress - and be assured we are all hoping those winds will change direction and leave you safe and sound.  Stay safe.

  • Annette -- I agree with Pat. Please don't apologise, we are all keen to know how things are with you.

    Keep safe.

  • PatO: Oh I'm so touched. How lovely.  :-)  Thank  you.

    AQ: I was going to say that we have that plant above the bow in the card (pin cushion is the familiar name here) in our garden. They are spectacular. Ours is an early bloomer with bright orange, long lasting flowers. We have two others, yellow-orange and not so striking...

    We have Clean Air here today for the first time in nearly two weeks. I'm off out to gulp it up!

  • Annette: Don't apologize for talking about the fire. You're a cherished and founding member of this thread, and I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we care about your wellbeing and safety. That fire is a crazy phenomenon! (Besides, I think I've mentioned a tornado or three over the years. LOL!)

    Lindy: The snow picture was lovely and very artistic. Hope you all get some sleep tonight.

    Heather: Thinking of you. I know holidays are hard.

    All: When I woke up this morning, I saw a tiny white-bellied field mouse scurry across my dining room floor. THAT is NOT what I ordered for Christmas.

    I think Rosy told me that she's not afraid of mice. Rosy: I'll keep my scary spiders, but I'm going to send this mouse to you. LOL!!! He's not living with me.

  • Wonderful that you've got better air quality, Annette. Hope it continues.

    Heather, I wondered if your Cornish pastie was OK!  

    Mabel, our visiting dog has gone home - my OH drove her back even though she only lives a few streets from here, as there was her bed and bedding, too. As soon as they got out of the car, she made a beeline for her house! We hope to get a peaceful night tonight.

  • Thanks, Diane!  (I don't mind mice.....).

    My photo was easy to compose because in the fields behind our house there are a lot of beautiful, mature oak trees. I love 'em!


    A mouse in the house

    Is not what I ordered -

    Sometime in the future, it's entry 

    Must be boarded. 

    A spider is fine,

    A Red Hawk is sublime

    But a scurrying creature

    Is a waste of my time:

    For I'll have to hunt it

    And harry it,


    It runs about, scarily,

    On my kitchen floor.