Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 December 2017


Please check back to last week's thread for information from Annette on the fire threat!!! She posted photos that you will want to see!!!

The December Solstice is Thursday at 4:28 p.m. in the U.K, 11:28 a.m. in the eastern U.S., 8:28 a.m. in California, and Friday, 22 December, at 2:57 a.m. in Adelaide, Australia! 

Everyone have a great week, and STAY SAFE, ANNETTE!

Juvenile Red-Tailed Hawk
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Here's a link to the fire photos that Annette just posted in the prior thread. SCARY! Scroll down on the page. 

  • Sorry, AQ. In my post above, I originally used the term "Winter Solstice," but I know it's summer time where you are. I edited. If it gets any colder here, I'm going to come stay with you! The winter winds have been cutting right through me this week!

  • Diane – No worries. I translate, with hardly a thought, words such as winter to summer, Fall to autumn.


    Cloud cover has kept temp down to 29 from expected 38. Tomorrow 40 C. Ugh. My back doesn’t like nights or mornings. But by afternoon I am feeling human. I managed some food shop Friday, Physio Sat, now, (goodness me, Sunday already) I visited library to borrow books. Lower shelves out of range as knees tire of bending and I’m avoiding forward bends of back. Xmas decs are high in cupboard. I can’t ask OH as I need to prioritise tasks I can’t yet manage.


    Today’s Aussie card is a Xmas wreath of Aussie flowers.


  • Sending you healing energy, AQ. I hope your back recovers quickly!!! Lovely card!

    Annette or anyone who is awake: 3 new crew members will launch to the International Space Station in about an hour at 7:21 a.m. in UK. That's 11:21 p.m. in California and 2:21 a.m. in the eastern US. Watch HERE

  • Good Morning,  All.  Just had to wake my OH after a rather broken night - the dogs seemed to get spooked by something and kept barking in the night. Usually he's up with the lark, but today he's slow and grumpy.

    Hopefully, Mabel will be on her way home later today.

    Thanks for the beautiful Hawk, Diane, and the NASA link.

  • AQ -  What a beautiful card: love the flowers.

    Sorry you're still struggling with your back.

  • Went to bed at 9:30 but very discombobulated with one thing and another and noticed I'd posted after Diane started the new thread. Didn't want Heather to miss this post to her:

    Heather: Assume grandson's speeding fine is healthy enough to cause him pause for thought? Will his insurance all increase?  Do your daughters appreciate being reminded about their teenage antics?  Mine didn't.  A case of selective memory, methinks.  Glad the girls have settled down now. Re the Christmas "Why do we bother?" question, I don't think we are this year what with all the goings on.  It hasn't exactly been a fun-packed year. I blame it all on Donald Trump!  :-)

    Just turned on television and am amazed to see our local station KEYT, which deserves medals, kudos and every other honor, still on the job and broadcasting live at 1 a.m. with reporters and camera people out in the foothills.  It's a small station, with just a handful of reporters and presenters who've been going nonstop since this started on December 6.  Not to mention the almost 9K firefighters from all over the West, most of whom aren't going to be home for Christmas.  Was feeling cranky and whiny yesterday, being stuck in the house and with the outside air so dry and dirty, and then thought of how people stuck in make-shift refugee camps in various parts of the Middle East are so much worse off....  It's apparently also on the station's Facebook page.

    Going to stick my head in the fridge for a snack and head back to bed.  Have a good Sunday all.

  • Good to hear from you, Annette - Your situation has been reported on BBC News today. It must be horrible, but as you say, there is always someone worse off.

    Keep your pecker up, as my grandparents used to say!

    We are all thinking of you and indeed, of your neighbours 

  • I forgot to put a picture on:  here is mine for today:

    The snow out of my window last week.