Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 December 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • ANNETTE- had to chuckle about the vacuuming! Re fresh milk, I don't eat breakfast cereal so Coffeemate or dried milk works fine for me:-)Yes, I'm spending less time upstairs but have to admit, since colder weather, have been going into bed earlier. Have TV and internet in bedroom :-)

    I'm still checking in re your fires.

  • Sorry, didn't get back - got busy!  Will try tomorrow if OH manages to drive and therefore shop!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Annette: How much is it worth bearing in mind  the flight time!

    Back down to sub zero temps now - looks like -7 at least.

  • ForestBoar: Not a problem - just leave all the windows open on the plane and at those high altitudes, snow will not start melting until the last 30 minutes!

    Heather: Can't blame you for having a nice cozy spot for cold nights with all mod cons.

  • Well done, ForestBoar for making that trip to the shed. I am sure he/she/ they were grateful (or perhaps they did not show it)

    Annette, pleased you can do normal things like going to the gym. It doesn't sound such fun with the poor air quality, though.

    I had to smile about the vacuum cleaner. I wouldn't bother about doing  it again, until the cat leaves a bit more fur to make it worthwhile.

    I didn't know those planes were still in Arizona.

    Diane, I loved your descriptions of your house until you mentioned the spiders. Frogs, newts, toads, mice, bats. Bring them on. But not spiders.

    Rain and sleet all day. Becoming icy now, though, so will not go out in the morning.

    Lindy,  Your OH seems to be a real Action Man. Does he ever sit down?

    Hope AQ is alright, and not suffering too much.

  • Rosy, I agree about the spiders. I wouldn't mind any of the things you mention, but I'd rather argue with a tiger than a spider!!  My OH has been busy and active all of his life, so finds it hard to be inactive now! - But he does often take 40 or even 50 winks after lunch!

    Looks as if tomorrow's golf game will not be happening so he's said he'll go out and hand deliver all of our local Christmas cards. (In the car!)

    Have put a blanket over my duvet so hope not to feel this cold night, very chilly temps here.

  • Looks like it's going to be really cold in the UK tonight. I don't remember it ever being that cold when I was growing up

    Have a good Tuesday everyone.

  • Fed up with back not responding, I visited Physio. Feel better already, but I must be careful or it won’t last. I have to do 10 back bends 10 times a day and no sitting > 15 mins until next visit Sat. So that cuts down computer time. Xmas letters, cards will have to wait.

  • Good  Morning,  All. Just taken pics of the red sunrise over the snow, out of the bedroom window. I overslept just now after waking much too early, before!

    Glad you got some help, AQ - Hope you're on the mend after your physio. Ten back bends!! - keep it going!!

  • Today's pic:

    Family portrait.  How did they ever get them to sit still?...