Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 December 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Evening all:

    Diane: Thank YOU!  That video was taken on Wednesday morning I think. Thank heaven that fire is 75% contained.  We just have weird skies and sunshine.

    Have read everyone's news, but am too tired to respond.

  • Just woke from a pm nap, now carefully sitting at ‘puter, no twinges from back, touch wood, so far. I won’t stay long, won’t push my luck.

  • Good  Morning,  Everyone.

    So relieved to come on and find that things are better all around the world - both for AQs bad back, and Annettes safety from the terrible fires.

    We've had snow again, but it's only remarkable in that we're in a part of the UK where it's fairly rare to get it in any quantity, especially at this time of year, rather than in January and February.

  • ANNETTE - pleased situation has partly improved, but it still sounds really horrible to live with dark daytime skies and all that muck floating around - and very unhealthy to breathe.

    DIANE - thanks for video links and for starting the thread for a new week.

    AQ - good that your back seems to be showing some improvement - take it slowly for a few more days!

    LINDA - pleased you had a good visit to family.  I wondered about your homeward journey with the amount of snow thrown at the Midlands, so was pleased to see you home safe.  Still no snow here.

    Not going to church - OH's bad back is making it unsafe to drive - good that he doesn't need to go out tomorrow either (he would have been going bowling (ten-pin) but had already cancelled).  Treating his back with Ibuprofen gel, and alternate rest and light stretching exercises.  Going to make choc log and freeze it.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • 4 inches of snow and increasing here. OH's power chair does not come with a snow plough option! Guess Sunday lunch at the village pub is off for us today.

    This is the smoking shelter in the front garden.

  • Gee Whizz, Forestboar! Stay safe.

  • OG - hope that EE's back and shoulder get better soon.

    AQ - Things seem to be improving for you, glad you didn't stay too long at the computer!

    ANNETTE - must be horribly unpleasant for you. Always thinking of you both.

  • Bright sun here, temp here in town -5c when I went downstairs for coffee. Don't like to think about WENDY's temps. Saw that Carrbridge was -13c.

    LINDY - was thinking about you last night and happy that you made it home OK.

    DIANE - keep warm, your mention of a furnace reminded me that there should be a small one here, somewhere, maybe in outside shed. Haven't looked in there for ages since it just holds things that I need, but not very frequently. Like a fold up table for times when the dining table needs to be made into a T shape! and my old microwave oven which is still OK. I'm waiting for middle daughter's micro to pack up and then will be able to do an OG and fling it in her direction.

  • Sorry the Sunday pub lunch is off, ForestBoar. Snow makes a nice pic, though.

    The snow has reached this far south. Enough for children to make a decent size snowman.