Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 December 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. 

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Sorry your grandson was found guilty of speeding, Heather. Maybe it will be a wake up call.

  • I hope he will treat it as such, LINDY!

    AQ - I am really enjoying the Aussie Christmas cards, thank you.

    House decorations etc will go up today if Amy and Katie can get out of their beds! When their Mums have a moan to me about teenagy behaviour I remind them about their own habits at that age...

    I left the central heating on last night but went downstairs about 3am and turned it off. The thought of the cost was making me even more sleepless than usual, LOL.

    Speaking about my daughters, all three of them had what you might call a 'fall out' yesterday. Middle daughter threw her rattle out of the pram, eldest got impatient with her and youngest (used to work in mental health facility) attempted to pour oil on troubled waters but the said waters are still a bit choppy. It was like group therapy by telephone and internet, in miniature, with me as the facilitator :-) I put it down to pre Christmas syndrome. One or the other of us will usually have a melt down. Not usually a joint one, though! AS OG said about all the Christmas stuff - I wonder why we bother.

  • Well, all is peace and harmony in my family! The general consensus is that we are all feeling more emotional than usual and coupled with the usual tensions of the pre Christmas period, melt down was a disaster waiting to happen. Normal is resumed! Eldest and middle will be here for a meal tonight accompanied by two bags of washing to be tumble dried here. The bedroom carpet is fully dried and I didn't need the dehumidifier after all.

    Thinking about you all and hoping that the weekend will go well for you.

  • Glad that normal service has been resumed, Heather.  Tension does occur at this busy time, there is just so much to do. Enjoy your meal together.

    Great that the bedroom carpet has dried out alright:  I did wonder if you would need to claim on the insurance.

    I've been shopping, talking, distributing cards in the town, visiting neighbours, chatting, and accepting parcel deliveries. Not one more Christmas dec has gone up today, I really will have to have a major go at it all tomorrow!!  Our visiting dog, Mabel, has been a model guest - no problems at all.

    Off to construct a meatloaf for tonight, we just fancied one.  Will enjoy it and sit and watch the Strictly Final before an early night.

  • ps.  Just talked to my Friend:  she said that yesterday she had a scary phone call from her OH, who had gone into the nearby town for supplies.  He said "The car has been stolen and the dog was inside!!"  -     by the time my Friend arrived, via her car,  with her heart in her mouth, there were some security men there.  They had said to him, "Which floor of the multi storey did you park the car on??"  Then the penny dropped - he had not parked on his usual floor, and there are only two floors....   Dog was fast asleep in the boot and unaware of all the commotion.

  • Morning all: Quick look in as our fire has blown up big time this morning.  They're expanding voluntary evacuations areas - now just about 8 miles away.  Very high winds.  We are glued to the television and holding our breath....

  • ANNETTE - I will be watching and please take care.

  • I cannot imagine what you are going thru Annette, but if safe thoughts can help, then I am sending them in abundance.  Take care.

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  • Oh, Annette. I am sending you all the protective energy I can muster. I so hope you and your home will be okay. Please know that I care, and you're in my thoughts today. 

  • Annette ---  Our thoughts are with you. Please take care of yourselves, first and foremost.