Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 December 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Sunday is the Full Moon, and it's a so-called Supermoon (the full moon near lunar perigee). 

Here's a Cooper's Hawk like Annette has in her garden. I thought of her when I saw this photo.

Cooper's Hawk
Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • Good  Morning. Still dark here, but dry.

  • Today's pic:

    "We're ready to roll!"

  • Having seen revised forecast, methinks Thursday outing postponed!  Today is a quiet white cloud day.  OH going shopping in Morrison's today and I intend to label my craft boxes - and have a big sort out and partial fling!  Saw bad news for Scottish Crossbill this morning - Scotland is now too warm for them!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello all

    Forestboar - I'm happy to read that you have things under control and that you and your OH will make decisions re her treatment in the New year.

    DIANE - Poor wee dog! Glad it is OK now.

    ANNETTE - I was sorry to read about King.

    OG - I think that weekend is when my decorations will be put in place. As I said, Amy and Katie are doing them. Katie has done the tree before, here so knows that some of the ornaments are glass and china and fragile. Amy will have to have an induction!! They do tend to get excited when they are together. Stepson was here yesterday and we were reminiscing about the days when his two children used to decorate our tree.

    In some ways that was easier since they are a very quiet family, unlike mine...
  • Hi, everyone!

    I noticed that several people had mentioned the names for the years' full moons. You might find these names and explanations interesting: HERE and HERE

    However, I should say that full moon names were created by old cultures across the world, and the names vary. There is controversy about sources. For example, I've heard Native Americans say that the "Wolf Moon" name and the accompanying stories about wolves howling in hunger on the outskirts of Native American villages are nonsense. See this short article from Indian Country Today on the Wolf Moon name. I don't know whether the medieval Europeans used that name, as the source above claims.

    Hope you all are well!

  • Annette: I'm so very sorry about King. I know he was a very good dog.

  • FORESTBOAR.  Glad to hear news from you.

    We have just had our first Christmas meal at Artysans in town and very good it was too.  We have bought leftovers home fro Benson. AS usual there was too much for us to eat, but nothing goes to waste when you have a dog to share with!!!

  • Annette: I hope you're far enough away from that devastating Ventura fire!!! Awful. I've just looked at the news. That one is in your area.

  • Morning all:

    Diane: Yes, King was a big huge softy. I used to worry about him coz he always looked so sad.  Daughter had heard he'd been abused before he ended up at the humane society, but no idea if that's true or not.

    We have a huge fire just south of us that started late yesterday and grew to more than 45,000 acres overnight.  We lost power at 10; it came back on at 3 then went off again for a few minutes at 7.  We had very high winds but they moved south yesterday to Ventura county, where they've had gusts of up to 70mph that will diminish during the day but flare up again tonight - and for the next three nights apparently and, with humidity under 10%, there's high risk of it spreading. Rather late in the year for this....

  • Annette: Oh, dear. Dang!!! I didn't have all the info on that. I hope you stay SAFE!!! Please don't hesitate to bug out if danger looms for you! Sending protective energy...