Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 November 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Northern Cardinal
Elizabeth A. Morton National Wildlife Refuge, New York USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • I put a travel blanket over the top of my duvet! But then, we are due now to change our duvets to the high tog ones this week.

    Clare, just seen your pics and I love the yawning gull!!

  • Morning all and thanks to Diane for the link to the Monkees video - it does really make you think when you see your heroes as old men - I'm sure I haven't changed a bit :)

    Car is better - new brakes on front and full service - £450 ouch but a lot of that was the labour and VAT but cheaper than a new car so on we go for another year or so hopefully. I would like to get to 20 years in 2020.

    Very hard frost here overnight but bright sunshine so its look lovely.

  • Glad your car is all better, HARELADY. Wonder how LYNETTE's went - or did she say? I've just popped on here briefly so haven't looked back. And DIANE - another Ouch!

    Granddaughters and I had a lovely day, one is in bed reading and the other still watching TV but both have new books, so I don't think that it will be long before Mia is in bed. Apparently, both of them are keen to go to bed every night because they are such enthusiastic readers. I was just the same, as a child.

  • We thoroughly enjoyed the "Food and Drink Festival" at Eden Court today. There was plenty to try and to buy and we did both. We had toasties at Tiso then home in time for OH to get a few hours of rugby viewing.

  • Heather - it's a delight to hear about children choosing to go to bed early to read!  I have done that all my life, and still do it now.  For all sorts of reasons I have to do a lot of reading during the day - but the reading I do in bed is not 'work', not 'study', not 'research', but purely enjoyment.  Sometimes I only manage a couple of pages before I fall asleep - and on other nights I might read for an hour or more.  Long may your grand-daughters continue to enjoy doing that.

  • DIBNLIB- eldest daughter and her husband also enjoyed the Food and Drink Festival at Eden Court, today. Katie decided to forgo it so joined her cousins for lunch with me.

    Pat O - I agree about children reading, too many of them seem to be permanently attached to 'devices' these days. I've always read in bed, my OH bought me a light to attach to my book because the bedside lamp annoyed him!

  • I read a report on sleep recently that suggests it's much healthier to read than to be looking at a screen in the hour before you go to bed.  I love to read and could probably do it for Britain if it was an Olympic event!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Didn’t get back earlier as promised.  After breakfast I baked blueberry muffins – which we then started eating with a cup of coffee – woops!  I then sorted some papers and ended up sorting a whole file and persuading OH of things which could be shredded – result!  In the afternoon we synchronised all our diaries and then I typed up at least half the newsletter contributions.  So in other words I have been busy, until watching Strictly!

    Heather – I must add my congratulations for Callum.  After the worry of his final year at school when he didn’t seem to apply himself, he has simply shone in his chosen field – all credit to him and the encouragement of his family!  Pleased he arrived safe from Milton Keynes – there were a lot of silly accidents around here on Friday – people “didn’t realise” the roads were icy, even though they had happily scraped little portholes on their frozen windscreens!  Sorry to see your house gets so cold.  Ours is exceptionally well-insulated, so soon gets back to daytime heat when it comes on at 6:30.  Pleased the stopover went well with the two wee girls – well, not so wee now, but first times can be tricky.

    Linda – pleased to see your Son arrived safely too; is this a social visit or to help with a project?  We too intend to change to a thicker duvet this week – we have a thin, thick or thick-and-thin option, but never usually need the two parts together, so this will just be the swap from summer to autumn weight!

    Thanks for all other posts too.  Not sure I shall go to church tomorrow – I never used to feel the cold, but since I got slower, I find that, once I get cold, I have difficulty getting warm again, so I don’t really want to take any risks.  I shall be thinking the right thoughts if I stay home and do some more work on the newsletter!  I shall have to go out Monday afternoon – blood tests due.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Unknown said:
    So in other words I have been busy, until watching Strictly!

    Have you a favourite?  This is the first time I've been able to watch the whole series.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • OG --  Yes, a social visit, in that he has come "up North" to catch up with his local friends. He still keeps up with many of those he attended school with, plus some Manchester friends from the days when he lived there whilst he took his Masters degree. So tonight some of them are all meeting up for a Boys Night Out before they all get involved with the festive season, as most of them are parents now.

    He had a funny tale about our granddaughter, Amber -- they had one of those new Alexis gadgets where you can tell it to play the radio without pressing any buttons, etc.   Amber was asked would she like to have a go, and she said "Hello, take me to your leader!" Don't know where that came from, she is only three!!

    I used to read in bed a lot, but gave it up over 44 years ago. ....when I got married!  My OH can't stand my staying awake!