Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 November 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

American Bison
Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Heather: Have a super birthday; what a nice treat from the kids and yes, much easier to communicate at home with so many of them than in a restaurant.

    Really hectic couple of days here; will be heading homeward tomorrow afternoon with a stopover in Palm Desert, then a really early departure Sunday morning to get through Los Angeles before the locals are done with their morning coffee! Was looking forward to a relaxing afternoon with granddaughter, who has been sighted zooming in and out of the house on her way to and from work, but Ms D developed Pink Eye and was sent home from school, then granddaughter went to a meeting at her job which barely happened and took two hours longer than expected! Don't ask. Complete fiasco. Poor girl. :-(

    Have a good Saturday all.

  • Have a lovely birthday tomorrow, Heather. It is good that you have the space to accommodate large family.

    It seems that you have been really busy Annette. Sorry your planned lazy afternoon went pear-shaped.

    Hope your journey home is trouble free.

    We have been out for a meal with a friend, whose husband is in a care home at the moment. She is having a difficult time.

  • Sorry things didn't work out for you or your granddaughter, Annette :-(  have a good journey back.

    Sad about your friend, Rosy.

    Been watching Children in Need and the little films about the children featured bring a tear to the eye....  but they've raised amazing amounts of money.

  • Lindy - our cat is not really poorly. Just an ongoing thyroid problem.  Spoke to the vets this week, have to go in next Wed for a physical check before he will issue the next months tablets. Come December will have to organise blood test to check on thyroid problem.  It will be interesting to see how she goes this week without her tablets.

    Picture soooo cute of the kitten. Another few great photos, Lindy.

    ForestBoar - glad you seem to be enjoying the break in Cornwall. Have visited the Eden Project and it is quite something, mind you it was in its infancy then, believe it has grown somewhat.

  • Heather B - that sounds just the ticket, a family meal for your birthday and having it cooked for you as well, lovely, enjoy and be pampered.

    Our Dau's birthday next Tues and we are having a Sunday Lunch with her brother and his wife coming over, I find these get togethers really lovely.  She has chosen the menu, I've just bought the goods in.

    Been reading all your news.   Have a good weekend all.



  • Hope our two Birthday Girls have an enjoyable day.

    Good  Morning. Stayed up late last night, watching the Children in Need spectacular, which was entertaining and very moving. So sad that young children have tough lives.

    Dry here today, and hope to get going on a couple of things still outstanding on my To Do List!

  • Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Heather-and-Clare ... happy birthday to you!!!!  Hope you both have a fabulous day.

    I've been 'lurking' for a while.  Manically busy, and just returned from a few days in Devon that was meant to be a holiday ... amazing how much you can fit into a 'holiday' when the phone doesn't ring!  I played all sorts of sport that I don't usually do - did a bit of new craft stuff - experimented with Tai Chi, which I would like to follow up - and even managed a really lovely massage.  Off again to a conference centre near Hastings ... Whoever said retirement was easy and relaxing?!?!?  Looking towards the second week in January - oh no, I'm off on holiday again!!!

  • Happy birthday, Heather and Clare.

    Two lovely pictures.