Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 November 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

American Bison
Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, Colorado
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good  Morning,  All.  Dry and settled here.

    Well done on getting the car ready for winter at cut price, Wendy.

    Going to the funeral of our neighbour today - expecting a lot of people to be there. Got a big warm needlecord coat out which I keep for the purpose, when it's winter, but it's not really too cold today.

  • Here's today's pic:

    "Who, me?"

  • Good morning - a quick post before window frame, which will definitely be done today.

    WENDY - pleased about good deal on winter tyres - and free wash!  Pleased Daisy is doing well on the new feed.

    LINDA - damp on ground, but opening up to a fine and clear day.  Our neighbour's funeral was last week - they don't get kept so long in Scotland!  Didn't go - these are the ones who don't speak to us, but I noticed the old lady went to stay with her Son after the death and is now back home.  Haven't tried speaking yet - not actually seen her outside, but we did send a card when the death occurred.

    Now, on with the day.  Hope everyone has a good one!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good evening all.

    I have been rather busy with various commitments for the last few days. I can see others are busy today.

    Annette, the world needs you. Friend and I didn't get further than Europe on Monday and even then we could not complete the job.

    Had a lovely lazy afternoon. Sorted out yarns for the next project. Horizontal knit scarves at the moment. My daughter loves scarves, and surplus go to a local charity shop. I can knit them while watching television.

    I am not as ambitious as AQ.  Nothing complicated these days. What an exciting life I lead!

  • I forgot to say. Like all your pics again, Lindy.

    I have visited Lisbon, years ago, but don't remember it very well. We walked around by ourselves, but I think being given the info by a guide, makes it stick in the memory. I know we liked the place, though.

  • Window done.  Some furniture moving again this evening.  While this happens, I have been able to sort and fling, so I have been very happy!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I love a good “ fling” as I am open plan and can’t stand to see clutter. Wardrobes etc are no different have loads of coathangers all of the same wood all facing the same way... sad really !!

  • Rosy --  glad you enjoyed my pics.

    OG - Good that everything's progressing - including your 'flinging'.  Perhaps you should come here and fling a few things! 

    Wendy - I  must be split personality, then as I have lots of clutter in places, but am also methodical and my coathangers all have to face the same way, plus all my tins and packets in the kitchen cupboard have to be label facing outwards. Can't go to bed without turning my OHs shampoo round in the shower so that the label is "right way round" ! Needless to say, he is entirely the opposite, but then he's a Flinger not a Hoarder......

    Went to the funeral in a nearby town carrying my umbrella, but it brightened up to become sunny during the service, and the mature trees in the church grounds which still had golden leaves were a picture.  Thought of AQ whilst in church, as the stained glass was particularly good, and although all of biblical scenes, each large window had a border of various different kind of leaf or vegetation. The service was good, and the minister spoke well - the family were represented by our neighbours daughter who spoke movingly of a happy childhood and a kind and clever parent. Afterwards we joined family and friends in the attached church building for delicious home made refreshments, including squares of the best Lemon Drizzle Cake I've ever had!

  • PS -- I keep forgetting to say that in the last two days we've noticed that Bonnie has stopped coughing, thank goodness.

  • Linda – Nothing is as good as church baked tucker.


    Second day cool & drizzle but I went to State Library for smidgeon of research then to bookstore on way back to bus. A new South Aussie author has written children’s books specifically with Aussie themes. Sheep shearing, wheat crop and dairy cows are the 3 I found. She uses Aussie lingo - paddock (not field), shed (not barn). They seem to be of a standard that Miss6 can read herself or I can read to twinnies while they “read” the illustrations. That’s a start on their C-mas gifts. Just in time! FC himself comes to town tomorrow for the annual C-mas pageant.