Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), October 15, 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful autumn week. The New Moon (Dark Moon) is Thursday. 

Coyote in the Cattails
Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labeled "Public Domain" (copyright free)

  • Diane: That's a healthy looking coyote.  I just came on to start the thread at 4:01 but you beat me to it. Hope you had a nice nap.

    AQ: Not sure about the gardener. Some of the shrubs look a little too - um - round. Still, he cleared enough space that I can now move between them and mess them up a bit. He did take off the top 3ft of the hedge that loomed behind us, but it still needs selective thinning. Couch grass doesn't have the same scientific name as Bermuda grass, which it looks just like, although the description of Bermuda says it's also known as couch grass.  Regardless, it's a real pest what with those runners; very tenacious and it only takes one little overlooked nub to get it going again. Blech.

    Clare: What gorgeous little birds.

    Heather: A fine example of Scottish womanhood you are - drinking gin in a corner indeed!  :-) )

    I see a hurricane is heading for Ireland....!!??

  • Good  Morning, All, and thanks to Diane for starting us off again. Love the happy looking coyote!!

    - - Hope this posts OK, as yesterday I had problems.

  • My its really quiet on here today -  have we all been enjoying the calm before the storm.

    I really hope all those in the path of the storm stay safe. It has been a glorious day here in Suffolk.

    I have been on a hunt for reasonably prices rugs. I need 2, the same preferably, for the lounge, as I have 2 fireplaces. Any ideas and pointers would be greatly appreciated.

    Also managed to get another cut of my miniscule lawn - although I don't think this will be the last as a neighbour said they were cutting theirs into December last year.

    Have a good week all.

  • Lindybird: That dog looks really unhappy...

    Harelady: Have you tried the UK equivalent of Home Depot?  I was puttering in one of our stores a couple of months back and they  had a good range of traditional and modern rugs of varying qualities. We tend to like the Oriental-style rugs and I did see some of those there...  It's quiet because Heather is sitting somewhere in Shropshire sipping Salopian gin (or so she says) - and how's that for alliteration!; Lindybird is possibly on her way back from Wales and OG is up to her neck in multiple projects/appointments. 

  • Thank You Annette I will hunt them down. I Like the alliteration - maybe Lindybird in languishing in Llangollen and Heather is sobering up in Shropshire :}

  • DIANE   Thanks for opening. Love the coyote, though I thought it was a wolf until ANNETTE said otherwise.

    HEATHER   Glad your son was able to provide you with something you preferred to whisky.

    We viewed "Monarch of the Glen" yesterday.  It is in Inverness till 19th Nov and well worth seeing. It is a magnificent pice of art.....not that I know much about art. Its next stop is Perth, then Paisley and finally Kirkcudbright. So glad we had it in Inverness.

  • Sober in Shropshire? Just said goodbye to all the lunch guests! Daughter in law provided a good spread, meats, cheeses, quiches, pizzas, salads, breads. Son and his brothers in law and friends had a whisky tasting session, lots of happy children running around. The ladies stayed with either wine or soft drinks. I'm heading home tomorrow.

  • Hello. I'm still in Wales, but heading home tomorrow, too.

    Went for a breezy walk on the seafront this morning, then went for a lovely lunch. After a half hour snooze, back at base, we were just enjoying a DVD when we spied some old friends from here, approaching. A long catch up chat followed, as they seem to be here when we're not, and vice versa.

    Only just now sitting down again after throwing a few things in a case ready for the morning. 

    Glad you've enjoyed your gin soaked visit to the family, Heather.....

  • Annette - that dog has the same guilty expression as our dog, when doing something rather naughty! - and they know it!