Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 October 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful autumn. 

The Full Moon -- the Harvest Moon -- is Thursday. 

Western Tanager
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Diane –No worry about Full Moon for DownUnder – it was overcast. I hope your work is not overwhelming you. Take time to greet your critters!


    Happy Birthday Dibnlib.


    Little People’s visit went well. MissL had napped in car, woke in strange room, only came to life when Miss6 opened her gifts. Later they inspected our crabapple tree, finding lots of ladybugs on blossom, checked different shaped flowers in garden, took G-pa to playground, returned to play with puzzles in our box, MissJ asked me to read books, suddenly I had one on lap & one either side helping. At hometime, into pjs, Dau had forgotten to bring their milk so I raided my reserve longlife supply which they demolished sitting on kitchen floor. MissL preferred a cup while MissJ managed the straw. As they left they declared they wanted to stay with us, Dau was agreeable until I said “Fine, I’ll move to your house” LOL




    MissJ and Wolfie

  • Wow! Those children are adorably cute and beautiful.

  • Good Morning, All.  Bright outside my window today, but "unsettled" weather predicted for some days now.

    Gosh, AQ, those twins look good enough to eat!   ;-)  Lovely girls.   Sounds as if things went well. I like your reply to the which house? issue....

    EDIT:   I did get a view of the very bright moon just as I went to bed, it sailed out from behind the clouds and looked splendid.

  • I thought Dibnlib's birthday is on Sunday - hope so as we posted card to arrive Saturday, so if it's today, shall be late!

    Thanks for all the chat news.

    I am going to have to take a break from here - too much going on right now!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG   You are right, my birthday is Sunday. Haven't opened cards but thought there was one from you,  many thanks.  Will look back and read posts later as I am off for a swim shortly, so no time. Bye for now.

  • Unknown said:
    posted card to arrive Saturday

    Do you have deliveries on Saturday? DownUnder has Mon to Fri only. And then only <sigh> bills.

  • Good morning -

    Thank you all for pics and posts. I have really enjoyed them and it is good to see so many folk on here.

    AQ - Lovely girls and growing so fast! You are so lucky to be involved with their upbringing, making many happy memories that you can look back on when they are older. We do indeed have postal deliveries on Saturdays but for how much longer? My brother doesn't have a Saturday delivery from La Poste.

    LINDY - Thank you for the holiday pics and descriptions. I like to read them, just as I like to read AQ's reports. The pics of the sunset were outstanding. I used to watch the sun go down like that, when we were in the Canaries. It all seems to happen so quickly. I'm certain that LYNETTE will be taking all your posts on board (Sorry!).

    DIANE - After I looked up your link, I spent a while looking at other similar YouTube posts. When I was a nursing student in the mid sixties, our hospital had a social club built especially for the staff. We loved to unwind there, dancing and listening to music. One of the male nurses played the guitar very well and could also sing. Many happy evenings were spent listening to him and joining in. It was all the music of the time, Bob Dylan, the protest songs (if that is what they were called), also Joan Baez and Johnny Cash, etc. Such happy days.  I remember when Woody Guthrie died of Huntingdon's Chorea. I had forgotten all about those days until very recently...

    Pat, ROSY, HARELADY,OG and all else - thank you for your news and will attempt more replies when I am sitting in bed this evening :-)

    Hope that ANNETTE is setting back at home and didn't have to face any cat related disasters etc.

  • Thanks for the birthday wishes. I will bear them in mind for tomorrow.

    Lovely sunset pictures, thank you LINDY.

    OH back from work so we are off out for coffee.