Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 October 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful autumn. 

The Full Moon -- the Harvest Moon -- is Thursday. 

Western Tanager
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • A second gorgeous day in the Forest today. All it needs is some rain to darken the trunks and then low sunshine to make it spectacular. I don't know what the vets did to our cats but they are currently eating us out of house and home!

    On another tack, first older SD. She is due for an assessment for further treatment on 18 October. OH had a mammogram which with the help of younger SD was clear and detected an object. Then had ultrasound and biopsy. Now waiting results. However things then turned silly! Consultant asked SD 'haven't I seen you before' – response: yes with my sister! Then the consultant picked the 18th Oct and SD said 'oh no'. Older SD in to see her at 9.30 and OH in at 11!!! Younger SD busy that day! If we were paying I think we would ask for a discount! Now it is a waiting game for both.

    Booked up for a consultant to come and measure up for new curtains for living room and bedroom from a local business with a good reputation, patterns already decided (not by me!!!!).

    dibnlib: have a happy birthday tomorrow.

  • Yes, Forestboar, a waiting game but good that you have retained your sense of humour.

    DIBNLIB- hope that your shoulder/neck pain will improve soon.

    OG- not sure whether you meant there  is too much going on at home or on this page!

  • Good evening, all.  I've been on duty at Minsmere this afternoon - look what's been visiting our feeders:

    If you click on him there's a few more snaps of him to look at.  Isn't he lovely?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Back from my lovely seaside visit - feel as though I've been away for a fortnight rather than just two nights!  We packed so much in.  Wonderful weather, lots of walks along the coast, including climbing Hengistbury Head - wonderful views, and a brief ferry ride at each end.  And looking out from my friends' balcony over to The Needles was fantastic - as was seeing the reflection of the full moon on the sea.  Doesn't quite match up to Lindy's lovely cruise ... but it will have to do for a while.

    Happy birthday tomorrow, dibnlib.

  • Heather B said:
    We do indeed have postal deliveries on Saturdays

    That is amazing!!!! Not only is our "service" Mon to Fri, but it takes days & days. Letters posted in metro area to metro addresses take up to 3 business days to arrive. To country, up to 4, to interstate metro up to 5 and, if one is silly enough to write to interstate country addresses, letters will take up to six business days. It makes it difficult to guess when to send birthday cards. Of course one can pay extra for priority mail which reduces the 1-6 to 1-4 days. Snail mail indeed.

    Early shower and now a sunny breezy day. About 2.30ish am we were woken by chirping. B*** smoke alarm battery has expired 3 months early. OH couldn't bear the chirps and had to go out to garage to fetch ladder to climb up to remove offending battery. Once upon a time he would have used the kitchen step-stool but now feels unsteady and unsafe. I stand by, ready to ring Triple 0.

  • Hallo all: Not ignoring you; have come down with lovely cold and am surrounded by Vick's, cough stuff, inhalers and bottles of water. The good news is that this is the first day back where I'm not in bed by 8pm!  The trip back was very long thanks to the National Express bus getting in a fight with a bus stop; then the flight back was 11+ hours followed by a two hour shuttle ride back to Santa Barbara, which had me on the move for 24 hours! Ugh. Will definitely break the trip back in NY or Chicago the next time I go.

    Have also come back to hot dry weather after lovely mild autumn days in the UK. :-(

    Still have to catch up with your news, even if I don't respond!

  • WELCOME HOME ANNETTE. Too bad about the head cold.

  • Just lost my post.......  grr.......

    Good Morning, Everyone.  Still dark here but looks cloudy.

    Annette - Sorry you brought a souvenir cold home with you, maybe you caught it en route. Hope it's short lived.

    AQ - I'll never moan about our postal service again........

    Dibnlib -  I'm not sure if I should wish you a Happy Birthday, as I'm confused. You mentioned that it was on Sunday, but then yesterday, you said "tomorrow."

  • Today's pic:

    "Don't touch me!"   -- this is tagged as "orphaned wallabies"