LOCH GARTEN OSPREY GABFEST for Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec, 2017


I'll let some of my favorite cartoon characters transition us from summer to autumn and into the Thanksgiving and Christmas  seasons.

As the 2017 osprey  Season  closes at Loch Garten, I am wishing for a better one come 2018.


  • Good evening all.Sounds like a rocky road ahead with this project but ultimately will be worth it if it becomes as successful as the Rutland project which has benefited the Welsh population as well. In time I hope this will be the case. I did not feel happy about young chicks being taken from nests. It must be for the greater good as someone pointed out earlier.

  • I believe our dear B24 had been bonding with a Scottish male who has migrated. Hoping for a better year next year for her. Gender balance would always be difficult if the males return to their natal sites and females move away generally?? Was this B24 problem. I wonder if Dai Dots was seen again. There was a blog mentioning he could have been spotted and he did indeed look very much like him!  Oh I do hope so ☺

  • Well OH and I have been on the first part of the bee keeping course! Lots to learn I thought it would be a breeze!! I was lucky to get the night off. Very interesting and extraordinary creatures to be cherished for the future! Kent very reliant on bees for all the fruit growing. Our patch of weeds is not ours yet as local searches to be done etc! The patch will die down and become a grassy muddy untidy mess. Come the spring all the butterflies and bumble bees will return hopefully.

  • Wonderful information and conversations.  Willow good luck with your bee course and with raising the bees when the time comes.

    Just now I am pre-occupied with the weather.  Very concerned about and praying for 5 friends in southern Florida (and their respective families) who have chosen to stay put in the path of the hurricane Irma.

    Also very unusual possibilities of seeing Northern lights/Heavenly Dancers/Aurora Borealis here tonight.  However now at dusk heavy dark clouds are closing in, but I will keep checking.

  • Hope all is well with your friends in Florida, June.  A friend of mine lives just outside of Houston and despite being in a neighbourhood which had to be evacuated, it seems the floods in their area were not quite as high as predicted and they came off lightly.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • We, as individuals and the nation, are still much concerned about Houston.  Also we have many wildfires scattered throughout. Many Government and Private groups are busy in Houston,  and some will still be working there months from now, including my United Methodist Church.

    I'm glad things were not worse for your friend.  Many people are praying individually and in groups around the country.  Maybe these better conditions for your friend were a direct result of these prayers.  Who can say?

  •     I am about to let it pass me by, but before it does I want to tell you, Keith, that besides appreciating all your reports & comments as always, I particularly enjoyed your words to HASTE YE BACK.  So appropriate for all our osprey this time of year. Of course, I  loved the music and went on to enjoy several more of the songs on the video.

        I am reminded of the wonderful You Raise Me Up compilation video posted by Big Rab (I think) just as the 2009 chicks were fledging and preparing for migration.  I tried to get it on You Tube but could not.  Surely it is still on there and I just didn't come up with the right combination of words to find it.  If anyone has this link I would appreciate having it again.

  • Good evening all.  June I do hope your friends in Florida are Ok. I'm shocked at the total devastation and my thoughts are with those affected. This storm is the worst on record and is followed by another hopefully will fade a bit before reaching the coast.

    Hope you get to see the heavenly dancers. We are too far South to see them. Would love to see them one day. A dream of mine ☺

  • Gardenbirder I'm glad your friends got away with the devastation they were lucky! Cannot begin to imagine dealing with that.

    We are living in an extremely angry world earthquake in Mexico floods in Nepal India and Bangladesh

  • June I think Mary did a poster with the you tube video of "you raise me up" with a lovely photo of our beloved Odin. I'm sure I remember that correctly I cannot remember what year. Every time I hear that song I think.of Odin. Perhaps my memory plays tricks on me. Lots of clever people on here contributing such lovely photos and music and posters! You included June