WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY AUGUST 19,2017

Last night in Arizona; heading home tomorrow with stopover in Palm Desert. Will catch  up then!

  • Heather --  Please look at your 'Friend Requests' as I want to send you a PM, and didn't notice until today that you're not on my List!

  • Good morning to ALL.

    HEATHER - I am holding you in my thoughts and prayers, but can't offer any advice - you know me, I am a flinger and mover, so find it very easy to move on, but have never been in your situation so can't truly empathise, even when I sympathise.  I would say that you shouldn't worry about not keeping "Bill's Garden" because he wouldn't want to think he had left you struggling. and I suggest you might turn it into "Heather's Garden", keeping one or two special plants in his memory.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • After overnight rain, it is a reasonable day here - although I do know it has been very wet up north, with the road from Garve to Achnasheen closed by flooding.

    OH mowed yesterday evening, and hopes he might strim and trim later today.  He has gone to the church to print the newsletters this morning, while I have been preparing a shopping list for Monday, whilst swapping a few menus this week to accommodate all the garden veg.  I did have a temporary Cucumber solution last weekend - gave several to Daughter and she also dropped some off with Grandson on her way home!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • LINDY- I accepted your request- hope you can see that in your page:-)

    DIANE- thank you for thinking about me. The gardens here consist of a small rectangular plot in front of the house and a larger space at the rear. By your standards it will be small! Talking about the rear garden. There are many mature shrubs and trees all around plus a small pond and a greenhouse. One flower border and even that has shrubs and climbing plants as well as flowers. The centre part of the rear garden has large fruit trees, cherry, apple, greengage,plum and pear. These are set in a grassed area. Any change to the garden would require the removal of a lot of trees and shrubs. If my dear husband had any fault it was filling every available space with a tree or a shrub. All require regular trimming to keep them within the space allotted to them in such a small garden. Sorry, you asked me for the size of the land and I don't know that.

  • Heather:  Have now sent you a PM!  Brenda's husband is reading the posts, and was concerned about you.

    I forgot to say, before, that he is keeping busy himself and still going to his bowling, and very grateful to his local friends and neighbours in the village who have been very supportive.  His little grandchild is doing well.

  • Heather: Sounds like some of your trees were planted too close together, so by judicious removal of some, you might be doing the others a favor (and yourself too).

    We are alleged to be getting a heat wave any day (going back two days now!), but it's more like May Gray here since I came from Arizona, though September and October can bring very dry hot winds.....

    Off to sort out the world.

  • I thought you might all like to see the piece of garden art which I bought at the Flower Show:  a metal item made by a blacksmith, who I met at his stall.

    The bells do ring, but they are very heavy, so doubt if they will ever move! At the top is a lovely dragonfly.

    The bird table behind it is very busy most of the day, so I expect the birds will land on the top of my dragonfly once they accept its presence. We've had a beautiful sunny day today, so have had a little time to sit in the garden and enjoy it, just in case its the last good day of summer, although tomorrow is promised to be likewise.

  • Thank you, CLARE

    Clare Bailey said:

    I know that I shouldn't make big decisions just yet, while I am still coming to terms with my huge loss. Perhaps wait until next year.

    Totally and utterly agree with this.  You shouldn't do anything now you might regret later.

    Heather B said:
    I just thought that I would not post this, but I know all of you have been supportive to each other, probably because we are not emotionally involved. So here it is - and my apologies xx

    No apologies needed.  It's good to talk.

  • Thanks OG. Everyones thoughts are so welcome and helpful. I'm a non practising Catholic but still think of myself as a Christian so your prayers are valued xx

    Unknown said:

    Good morning to ALL.

    HEATHER - I am holding you in my thoughts and prayers, but can't offer any advice - you know me, I am a flinger and mover, so find it very easy to move on, but have never been in your situation so can't truly empathise, even when I sympathise.  I would say that you shouldn't worry about not keeping "Bill's Garden" because he wouldn't want to think he had left you struggling. and I suggest you might turn it into "Heather's Garden", keeping one or two special plants in his memory.