WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY AUGUST 19,2017

Last night in Arizona; heading home tomorrow with stopover in Palm Desert. Will catch  up then!

  • ANNETTE   safe journey tomorrow.

  • Good Morning, and thanks to Annette for finding the time to start us off on a new week. Hope you've enjoyed your family visit, and have a safe journey back.

    The sun is out, here, and a much better day is forecast. Laundry will be on the line!

    Hope everyone has a good Sunday.

  • Here's today's pic:

    A multicoloured birdie to start us off!

  • Good morning.  Had a good time with Daughter#2 and Fiancé yesterday, but had a bad night and really exhausted today.  OH is having trouble persevering with his denture, but keeps trying.  So we aren't going to church today - and it doesn't look as if J will be ready in time for his later service.

    Wendy - I look forward to seeing the photos and will be happy to post for you - but yes, they will probably come out sideways!

    Annette - thanks for starting the week.  Safe journey home.

    Linda - pleased your Son and Amber got home safely.  You will find the house very quiet and still for a couple of days!

    Elder Daughter and her OH were sent away for the weekend to celebrate their 30th anniversary by their own girls who wanted the out of the way to celebrate elder GDaughter's 24th birthday!  I assume all had a good time!

    I hope Diane had a quiet and peaceful time on her birthday yesterday!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good morning.  Had a good time with Daughter#2 and Fiancé yesterday, but had a bad night and really exhausted today.  OH is having trouble persevering with his denture, but keeps trying.  So we aren't going to church today - and it doesn't look as if J will be ready in time for his later service.

    Wendy - I look forward to seeing the photos and will be happy to post for you - but yes, they will probably come out sideways!

    Annette - thanks for starting the week.  Safe journey home.

    Linda - pleased your Son and Amber got home safely.  You will find the house very quiet and still for a couple of days!

    Elder Daughter and her OH were sent away for the weekend to celebrate their 30th anniversary by their own girls who wanted the out of the way to celebrate elder GDaughter's 24th birthday!  I assume all had a good time!

    I hope Diane had a quiet and peaceful time on her birthday yesterday!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Thank you, ANNETTE and safe journey home. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures :)

    LINDY - I love the bird, so cheerful.

    Not a lot happening here - at some point in the next few days my stepson will arrive and we shall go shopping for a new ceiling light for the utility place. Youngest son in law taped it all off so I have been able to use the rest of the lighting and the shower power control on that circuit. I'm also desperate to find an effective moss killer for the tarmac driveway. I have used the stuff that my OH always used but  - maybe because the weather has been so damp - it just keeps coming back. The tarmac is old and getting crumbly so I'm afraid to use the pressure washer on it.

    Youngest family have just taken delivery of two kittens. Now the fun will start! They are christened Gizmo and Tux so of course, I refer to them as G and T....

    Have a good day, everyone

  • Sunny here, but I've been too busy to notice it except for putting out the laundry.

    OG - Sorry that EE is still having trouble with his teeth. Hope you can catch up on your rest, today. My Friend has been having fitful nights since her knee operation, she is still on morphine for all the pain. It also dampens the appetite, so she's losing weight involuntarily.

    Heather - Good that you can use the shower. We have a moss killer which is enzymes or something, which stops things growing back when you have persistent moss. The kittens sound fun  - what colour are they?  Like your version of the names.....

    EDIT -- I see that your post came out twice, OG. The Site was doing weird things again yesterday.

  • Was it really our Diane's birthday? -- oh, heck, I missed it.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DIANE!!  (Waving....)

    Doh!  Sorry I forgot!! -  but we hope you had a good day!!

  • HEATHER   G and T, how good is that.

    LINDY     a shy seal methinks.

    DIANE   Seems, I too forgot your birthday, sorry. Think that like me your birthday was one of the big 0s.

  • Annette: Sorry that I couldn't start the new thread. I have bad computer problems. Worked on it all day and all night. Looks like a new computer in my future. 

    Thanks for the birthday wishes all!