DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten Nest ~ Wednesday, 2 August 2017

The Unringed Male known currently as TWIGGY and female BR CT6 have been getting cozy on EJ's nest in the early morning hours this past week. For about a week, they are the only osprey we see. And we only saw a glimpse of Twiggy yesterday morning. Otherwise, this week we have had a view of the other downstairs residents of the nest---the pine marten, the chaffinch colony, as well as clear sightings of lovely Willow Warblers (below), Redstarts (below) and a Great Spotted Woodpecker (below).    EJ has not been seen since Friday 14th 15:15 hr. (Thank you BNN). May I point out again, BNN's Intruder ID Document that has snaps of all unringed and ringed intruders in the 2017 season, including the latest sightings of Twiggy and CT6. We are likely to be referring to this document *constantly* come 2018.

Since it seems clear that EJ has moved on for this season, BNN has made the Great Suggestion that we discuss beginning an off-season LG Nest Observation Thread until EJ's return next Spring. Especially garnering opinions about doing this from the Breakfast Crew/Club (who have lately also become the Lunch and Supper Clubs). What say ye, ye stalwart mates?

Photo taken of EJ at Aviemore by Dave Joicey posted on Facebook, last morning of her sighting, thoughtfully provided by Sheila.

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