WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 22, 2017

Hi all. Going to see what I've missed in the last day or so...

  • All J's trains ran on time, and he is home.  Has had a good time.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Lynette:  That's a wretched state of affairs re the house. Do hope your bro gets some kind of help in dealing with it; so frustrating!

    OG: Good to see J is back and enjoyed himself.

    Had lovely time with grandson and his fiance (such a polite and considerate young woman!). And they treated; wouldn't even let me leave the tip.  :-)  I drove home the back way along Highway 154 through the area that burned over the last two weeks. Very impressive indeed - blackened trees and scorched earth from the lakeside all the way up to the peaks of the hills. A huge area. Would not want to have to face down a fire like that! It started at a kids' summer camp and at one point 80 children and their counselors were completely surrounded by flames. The firefighters had to drive bulldozers through the brush and trees to the camp so they could be evacuated. I was reading somewhere that firefighters are the most admired among professional groups. The ride home was slow because the traffic was being escorted through in groups one way at a time due to ongoing clean up work, but also, I suspect, to stop people from pulling over on the narrow road for a closer look at the burned areas.

    Have a good Wednesday all.

  • Good Morning. Rain here, as promised by the weatherman.

    That fire damage sounds horrific, Annette. The firemen are held in high regard here too, especially since the dreadful Grenfell Tower incident where many of them bravely worked to get people out. Nice to hear that you were spoilt by your grandson and his fiancee.

    OG:  Glad that J had a good time away. You don't say how you're feeling lately, hope you have improved.

  • Here's today's pic:

    "He said what?!!!"

  • Here are pics of my grandsons.

    Matthew (Three years old this autumn) looking rather more angelic than usual:

    Sitting on his obliging brother's chest: they get on together really well:

    Tomasz had good end of year school reports - he will be seven in December!  - Can't believe they're growing so fast!

  • Annette – pleased to see how kind the young ones were when you breakfasted with them – I am sure your Grandson appreciates all you have done for him over the years, and I am glad he has found a nice young lady.  That scorched area sounds awful to drive through – will it regenerate quickly, or will it stay bare?

    Linda – I am much brighter this week, but still taking the tablets which make me very drowsy.  Seeing doc next week.  A great photo of Matthew – a mischievous twinkle in his eyes!  Looks as if Tomasz is very patient with him – every birthday Tomasz has reminds me that my Grandson is another year older on the same day!

    Very wet morning here – supposed to improve later.  OH has a “mature driver” check-up session this afternoon – a voluntary advice outing with an “advanced motorist”; seems a very good idea – organised by local health partnership.  Nothing much happening here at home.

    OH took photos of the deck and its plants yesterday – unfortunately houses behind and their flapping laundry appear in some of them!  Need to downsize them to insert on this site.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • HEATHER    So sorry to read your sad news.

    On a brighter note. There have been some wonderful pics this week. Thank you all for posting them.

  • Still raining, here, but I did manage to pop out for a food shop without getting wet, as there was a slight break.

    Interesting news that we're supposed to be changing to only electric cars and transport in only a few years. It had to come sometime, I suppose - the oil won't last forever, in spite of this, anyway. And some electric power stations are oil fuelled!!

    My father would have been very interested in the way things are going. He knew everything there was to know about petrol engines, as he was a talented mechanical engineer, but told me that he believed water powered engines were possible, and not far away from being invented as a solution.

  • OG -- Sorry you're still drowsy from the meds. Maybe when you see the Doc he'll suggest one that could be dropped, to help you get back to normal.

    Tomasz is very good with his little brother but of course there's still the odd spat over who has which toy. He's excited because he has a new bunk bed, and naturally gets to have the top bunk! Matthew is still in another room, but will move in with his brother eventually.

    My Friend was laying on the bed when I visited yesterday, as rather bad planning has meant that their sofa has gone away to be recovered this month, and she can't get comfortable. She's going to have the staples removed from her leg today, which may help with some of the discomfort she's been having. It sounds as if she's been in more pain this time (she had the other knee done over two years ago).

  • Morning all:

    Lindybird: Gorgeous blonde kiddies there!  What is that critter in the other photo though?  I saw that item on the planned demise of the combustion engine in the UK.  Meanwhile, California has, in defiance of the Trump administration, managed to pass a bipartisan agreement to extend a state law for another 15 or so years aimed a reducing greenhouse gas emissions. As CA Governor Jerry Brown said, "This is what good government looks like."  Of course, there are people who are complaining that it goes too far or not far enough.  Sigh. Water powered engines? That's interesting. Wonder if anyone's had a serious look at that....  

    OG: Some shrubs will show up within the year; others will take longer - the trees took a real beating unfortunately.  The worry on both sides of the hills now is the potential for mud/debris slides during any heavy rains that may show up later this year. Last month, I did a short item for a magazine on the local botanic garden which burned badly about 9 years ago. I spoke to the Director about the regrowth and he was talking about so-called "fire-followers," shrubs and trees whose seeds only germinate after exposure to fire. He said plants whose seeds had been dormant in the soil for years started popping up in unexpected places over the year or two following the fire.  That particular fire also provided a huge opportunity to replant areas that had stopped working (e.g. formerly sunny areas that had become shaded over the years by tree canopies).  Also, one historic (by California standards!) building they hadn't been allowed to tear down but would have cost millions to restore burned in the fire (the silver lining!) and has been replaced by a brand new native plant research lab and seed bank.  Will look forward to seeing photos of the deck, sans neighbors laundry line.  :-)

    Off to get organized.