DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten Nest ~ Thursday, 20 July 2017

EJ's nest is mostly empty these days.
Yesterday morning brought another unringed male to the nest, only briefly.
(scylla's video HERE) No IDs! ;-)  Later in the evening, Alison from the Forward Hide (via Moffer, thank you!) reported to us a skydancing event followed by a sighting of the male chowing down in a nearby perch. Same one perhaps? Finally, A Blog from Fergus Cumberland raised the possibility of EJ's having left extra early on migration. Tiger believes she is simply "on holiday." I'm afraid we may not find out for sure. Somehow I believe that wherever she is, she is fine. As many have said, she is a wise old osprey, and we only have a peephole. As other nests are experiencing the fledging of GEMs, we will just have to keep the faith for next Spring, when we will treasure this nest view twice as much.

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