Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 July 2017


The Full Moon is at:

5:07 a.m. Sunday morning in the U.K.

12:07 a.m. (just after midnight Saturday night) in the eastern U.S.

9:07 p.m. Saturday night in California

The July Full Moon is traditionally called the Full Buck Moon or the Full Thunder Moon.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • It's a lovely afternoon here, now.  Cousin has been, and moved the heavy stuff - oh, my! The dirt behind them! We gave him a coffee and asked about his recent house move: they're going to have to redecorate their entire house, plus do some structural alterations, so it may all take some time.... I'm not envious.

    Found a photo of Amber as a small babe which had fallen behind the sideboard. Reminds you of how quickly they grow.

    Watching the Federer match now - I missed 90% of the other semi final of course. Going to cook some chicken for our meal, with a curry sauce out of a bottle, some packet rice and our own green beans.

    Hope that Heather is feeling better.

  • Thanks for kind thoughts, people! Feeling a lot better today, taking meds and eating foods that I know are OK at these times. Some medics say that stress doesn't cause flare ups but like ANNETTE, I know better.

    DIANE- your recent weather sounds horrendous. Please take care.

    Sorry again for lack of pertinent replies, regards to all.

  • Glad you're improved, Heather.  :-)

  • Heather pleased you know how to control your symptoms.

    Youngest has suffered sometimes debilitating IBS since she lost her father aged 10.

    Still rears its head but she has worked out foods that encourage it.

    Strange day warm in Elgin when shopping but many degrees colder further down the road.

    Got bored with men's tennis but enjoying Heather Watson in the mixed doubles.. smiles all round.

  • Heather – {{{HUGS}}} Hope you are feeling better.


    OG – Our teachers have “pupil-free” days for training. Curious how they are often the Friday before a long weekend. Yes, I have been to Yorke Peninsula before, several times – the copper towns Kadina, Moonta & Wallaroo, also a weekend near the “toe”. This trip covers the back roads and small settlements”(mostly ruins) of the northerly part. Our tutor manages to find interesting things to see in the most unlikely places.

  • Good Morning.  Dull and damp, here.

    Had water supply problems again last night: spluttering taps when we went to bed, and no water at all in the small hours when I got up. Relieved to find things working once more when we arose.

    My OH has been at work already, cutting out some useful rectangles from the old carpet which will be good for lining the dog crates - we have a large one which she sleeps in and a smaller one in the boot of the car. Waste Not Want Not!

  • Here's today's pic:

    "I'm cute, but I can be grumpy, you know!"

  • Good morning all, once again many many thanks for all your words of comfort. I must admit it all still seems like a dream and I think I am auto pilot at the moment. But I have had wonderful support from family and friends and that has really helped. My other Daughter and her new Baby Luna are visiting on Monday for a few days and on Friday my Son, Partner and their new baby James will be here for 4 days so I am focusing on these visits.

    The house is still a mess with lots of boxes as I still have to get shelves up but cant do that until awful reproduction Victorian fireplaces are removed so I will have boxes for some time.Then I have to tackle the garden - first to go are 2 palm trees - just not right for a small victorian garden plus they are right next to the path and attack you as you walk to the shed. So I have plenty to keep me occupied.

    Once I get the house straight I will look around for another part time job as I gave up the Estate Agents as I thought I would be staying in London to nurse Daughter through her chemo.

    Anyway It looks like Suffolk has a mix weather day today cloudy with a few showers but the next few days look better. I may even get to Minsmere for a walk. Have a good weekend all and once again many thanks for the support.

  • Nice to hear from you, Harelady: I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been wondering how things are going for you.

    It's good, too, to hear that you have lots of family support. Don't worry about all the boxes - one day they will be just a memory of a busy time, and when you've replaced the fireplaces, the house will look more like "yours" and you can enjoy it, plus putting your things out on the shelves.

  • PS - If you get to Minsmere, please tell us all about it!