Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 July 2017


The Full Moon is at:

5:07 a.m. Sunday morning in the U.K.

12:07 a.m. (just after midnight Saturday night) in the eastern U.S.

9:07 p.m. Saturday night in California

The July Full Moon is traditionally called the Full Buck Moon or the Full Thunder Moon.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • AQ: Oh that's a riot! Wait until they start telling you - all wide-eyed innocence - that you have old skin. We look in the mirror with our old eyes and miss half the flaws; they see us  through dazzlingly young eyes and note wrinkles, a tooth that has seen better days, the odd hairs sprouting from odd places. You'll recognize the fascinated look on their little faces.... it gets brutal.  :-))

    OG: Did patio man slice through something?

    Up early but Djokovic not one of my "must see" players for some reason, so may go back to bed...

  • OG -- Hope electrical drama is sorted out, now :-(    Something you could do without, no doubt!

  • Hello all. A belated thank you to DIANE for starting the week and also, DIANE, for your kind words and thoughts for me.

    I have been following the news regarding wild fires both in Santa Barbara area and in Canada. Good that you are OK, ANNETTE.

    I didn't watch the tennis yesterday but it sounds to have been very exciting! Manic Monday, I believe they call it.

    AQ - Yes, the connection they made was amusing!!

    Don't like the sound of electrical emergency, OG. I wonder what happened.

    Must go outside and potter. A lot was achieved at the weekend and I am so grateful to youngest family. Eldest daughter took all the garden rubbish to the dump yesterday, there was far too much to fit in one garden waste bin! Just prunings and clippings.

    Now I have a tale that sounds like one of LINDY's, LOL.

    Went shopping this morning in M and S food hall. Put my trolley back and recovered the pound coin which I placed in my purse. Picked up my two bags of shopping and then noticed quite a few coins plus a trolley token for Morrisons supermarket lying on the floor. I wasn't about to grovel for them as I had both hands full and what would people think?!!! Thought to myself, what a shame, an elderly person has dropped them and couldn't bend down to recover them but spoke to a couple who appeared. 'Oh gosh' I said, there's money on the floor'. They immediately bent down and started picking up the coins. When I got home, realised that the zip on the coinage part of my purse was open and my Morrisons trolley token was missing!

  • So, the electrical saga.  Yesterday morning OH went shopping, J went to have a shower, decking man was working and I was sitting here minding my own business.  J came to tell me the shower had gone off with him in it (luckily, he hadn’t yet lathered) and deck man came to the door to say there was no power outside for his mitre saw.  Nothing had tripped in the meter cupboard and thankfully there was no smell of burning.  When OH came home, he determined that the only circuits still live were the lighting and the computers (low loads) so the fault must be in the RCB which covers the other circuits.  He called our insurers, made sure they knew that we were pensioners and I have medical needs, and they promised a repair, but it could be as late as 6pm.   So, we sent J to buy lunch from Subway (we had been going to have a cooked snack lunch) while deck man went home to his workshop to saw some wood (more about him later).  We phoned again at 6pm to be told the job was handed over to the next shift so it could be 10pm, so J then went for fish and chips for dinner.  An incoming call told us the job was going to a contractor, the next one revised the time to 1am!  Finally, they found someone (from Fife) to come at 9:30pm.  He found that the electrician we had in to separate the garage circuit about a month ago had refitted the bus-bar in the RCD incorrectly and it had dropped out of alignment.  A small quantity of ash indicated there had been a spark, but because it failed it didn’t produce any more of a fire.  He put it right in about ten minutes, then spent another ten filling forms!  We were all three totally discombobulated after the day’s upheaval.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Oh, heck, Heather!!  -- does sound like the sort of thing which happens to me.....   Hope you're not too short of coins, now!!

    I went to the local supermarket this morning, and in spite of its being a quiet time of day, found huge queues near the parking ticket machines. (You have to buy a ticket as in our town parking is at a premium, but you can get a refund inside the shop if you're a customer). They've just replaced the machines, and now everyone has to enter their car registration as part of the process. Of course, all are mystified and confused: I spent ages trying to help a gentleman who could hardly read the tiny buttons!! Later, in the shop, I helped a very small lady reach up to a top shelf, then got into conversation as she did not live locally, but would like to. I was a long time, so was much later back home than planned. I was greeted by a very muddy dog, who had helped my OH in the garden, by digging up once again a patch of lawn which he had lovingly tended, and reseeded, from her digging it all up two months ago!

  • Today has gone much more smoothly!  J took himself to the Old Toll Bar for a luxury breakfast.  Hairdresser came for OH and me as planned.  Deck man arrived with two planters he had made from offcuts of wood, to match the decking - one each side of the back door to garage - very acceptable.  He at last put the diagonals on the gate too, and so we had to admire his handiwork before lunch.  This afternoon will be filled with all the jobs requiring hot water or electricity which had to be abandoned yesterday.  It's a lovely day, so I foresee coffee on the deck; J is currently using the leaf blower to suck up sawdust!

    Back later with brief replies.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Goodness, OG! It really was a bit of a drama, then!  How annoying. But my first reaction was that it's a good thing there wasn't a fire, which could have been so much worse.

    Hope it's settled down now and "normal service is resumed" both for the electrics and the food/meal production!

    EDIT:  You've written again, as I posted: glad there's a happy ending and the deck work is done. Hope today remains an improvement on yesterday!

  • Now I'm watching tennis again ...  Konta this time.

  • Back indoors after drinks on the deck at last!  I actually had hot chocolate, despite the heat and sunshine – used the canopy for the first time this year.  J is now in the shade vacuuming his car while OH is caught between dinner prep and gardening!  I think we shall spend most of the evening outside.  Now to attempt some replies – these may be brief, so apologies to anyone I leave out!

    Wendy – would love to see photos from Kintyre – especially wildlife – do you still have my email address?

    Heather – lovely to read that young Isla has is interested in the garden – I started very young, and really appreciate what Granddads, Dad and Uncle taught me!

    Annette – pleased you are safe from fires; I was interested to see how the wind blows and changes direction – must make things very unpredictable.  Friend in Ecuador had another Earthquake overnight – I hope they won’t have a big cluster as they did last time.

    Bjane – congratulations on having six GGChildren!  Will be a long time before we have that many – second Grandson marries next spring, but they will probably have to adopt or foster due to his Fiancée’s health, elder G Daughter isn’t in a hurry to settle down with anyone and her sister is still studying.

    Linda – sorry about yesterday’s rain – we had it cloudy, but dry.  Garden will all need watering tonight.  I always sewed – it was what people did.  I even opted to do some more advanced needlework at school, having been forced to give it up for Latin, so that was when I learned about shaping and fitting sleeves and collars – although had already done those things (less proficiently)  when I made my first dress at age 10.  I am ashamed to say we haven’t ever been to see the ”Coo Palace”- not good at visiting things “on our own doorstep”!  Surprised you have rain again today – really not very far away.  I see there is also some rain at Wimbledon, so maybe you are in the south this time!  We vary from east to west here – sometimes get the East Coast offerings although geographically we are the South West!  Can imagine the state of Bonnie after helping in the garden on a wet day!

    AQ – how long is this school holiday?  Ours in Scotland started hols here already, but not in England yet (although elder GD who was working at a posh private school has finished).  Enjoy your Thursday trip with Friend – and the planned visit from the family next week!

    Heather – sorry you lost your change and the Morrisons trolley token – “an elderly person”, did you say!

    All well in the electrics cupboard today – and everything else too.  Hope it is the same, or as much as it can be, for everyone else!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Lots to do in the garden after 9 days of girlie time..

    Daisy back on top form after her tired wobble..

    Enjoying good tennis and hate to say it that includes the ladies..

    OG has I have and zapped a couple or 6 so please free free to share.

    Weather has been far better tha predicted ..