The Poole Harbour Osprey Translocation for 2017-2018

For years people have been asking when the next British osprey translocation will happen, it  being over 20 years since the one at Rutland began. 

On 20th June 2017 we finally got to know that it is to be to  Poole Harbour  and what exciting news that was. To complement this Roy Dennis has also opened a new Facebook page called  Roy Dennis Wildlife Foundation

They  are looking for 200 people to become conservation champions  for a minimum donation of  £250 each. All donations are welcome. 

The project is a partnership between the Foundation, local charity Birds of Poole Harbour, and Poole based-business Wildlife Windows and is part of a wider conservation recovery plan of osprey in Western Europe and the Mediterranean region which was recently commissioned by the Council of Europe and authored by Roy Dennis. 

This is such exciting news that will keep people interested for the rest of our lives. 

  • Thanks, Sheila, great news that the birds have arrived and more importantly, 'are feeding well'!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thank you SHEILA Fantastic and exciting news Pleased to read they are doing well

  • Good evening all. Thanks for the updates on this exciting project. Glad to know the ospreys are safe and well and eating! Will be interesting to see if they return to Poole Harbour in the future :) S1 seems to like it! I wish these young birds well :)

  • Birds of Poole Harbour are giving regular updates (along with daily sightings) on the young birds, here, and have confirmed the Darvics as Blue LS0,Blue LS1, Blue LS2, Blue LS3, Blue LS4, Blue LS5, Blue LS6, and Blue LS7 .  Here are the latest blogs on that page

    Harbour Update - posted 12/07/17

    We’ll do a longer blog soon we promise! But the last few days have been a bit full on, getting our new arrivals all settled in and our set up running smoothly. So in the mean time, just enjoy this screen grab taken today from our CCTV monitoring system, which shows two of our birds happy and settled into their temporary new homes. All 8 have been feeding well again today and already some are beginning to wing-flap quite hard.

    Screen grab of Osprey Pen CCTV 

    Harbour Update - posted 11/07/17

    Normally on wet, windy, miserable days like this there isn’t much to shout about and certainly not often much to get excited about. However, today was a momentous day as our first 8 Osprey chicks arrived safe and sound here in Poole Harbour after a long 630-mile trip from Scotland. After weeks of sun and sweltering heat the weather took on a traditional Scottish feel today to welcome our new visitors and within an hour of their arrival they were snuggling up in their new 5 star holding pens and chowing down on some top grade salmon and trout…not a bad welcome present. The chicks were split into our three holding pens based on those that were stronger and could feed them selves more efficiently. Each of our chicks is ringed with a blue ring on the right leg with white lettering with Osprey number one wearing LS0 and the last LS7 (with LS1, LS2, LS3, LS4, LS5 and L6 in between).  A write up of their arrival can be read HERE. There’s obviously going to be a lot to update you all on over the coming weeks but at least they’re here now and we can keep a close eye on them.

    Harbour Update - posted 09/07/17

    The final preparations are getting underway for our Osprey chicks arrival mid week and it looks as if they’ll be bringing some classic Scottish weather with them! Despite the rain forecast, it hopefully won’t dampen the mood or sprits of this exciting arrival to Poole Harbour and we’re really looking forward to giving you some positive news upon their safe arrival. By all accounts they’re feeding well, each is very strong and they’re in really good hands so its all looking good. There has been a huge amount of work gone in to this project so far, and it hasn’t really even began yet. The real hard work starts this coming week, attending to, feeding and monitoring our eight new arrivals, making sure we give them the best possible start before release in a few weeks. As we said yesterday, we’ll be updating you as much as we can on the project over the coming weeks but don’t worry…we won’t just get lost in Ospreys…..the full force of autumn migration is just around the corner so we can’t wait to hear about all the great birds you see around the harbour over the coming weeks with plenty sure to be on offer no matter where you go.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • Thank you SHEILA Fingers crossed that they continue to do well

  • Another update, if this works via my tablet  Perhaps not.

    Hmmm try this  Sorry its not a posh link

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • SheilaFE said:

    Another update, if this works via my tablet  Perhaps not.

    Hmmm try this  Sorry its not a posh link

    Here you go Sheila. 

  • Many thanks Mike!  It was too late to fire up the laptop!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • I asked the question of Poole Harbour Ospreys, and was told they will not be tagging any of the new eight ospreys 'but it is not to say we won't tag future birds though'.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018