WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JUNE 25, 2017

Welcome to the new week everyone.  Harelady updated us on her return to Suffolk today (Sunday) and she'll be returning to London next Sunday for funeral services the following week.

Lindybird: Thanks for the lovely photo of the poppy.

Pat O:  I enjoyed reading about your power-golfing holiday. Hope you have a good trip home.

OG: When do you expect the deck to be done?  (Is it a wooden deck or a patio area?)

AQ: Disconcerting that the snowflakes (snowdrops?) are so very early.

Meanwhile, while took Ms D up to the local Natural History Museum last week where, among other things, we enjoyed a visit with some injured and rescued raptors, now living happily ever after in the museum's gorgeous grounds.  In the first photo, Ms. D is cozying up to a peregrine falcon that had been shot (she looks a little uncertain, but I know the guy who handles it and he assured me there was no problem).  In the second photo, she's looking a lot happier being friendly with a gorgeous barn owl.

  • Evening all:

    Lindybird/Heather:  Sounds like both of you were at school events and that a good time was had by all.  :-)

    Lynette:  Where does the lady who contacted you via BBC People's War live in  California.  When I was back in the UK some years back, I looked up our old neighbor, who told me about a relative of hers who lived in California. Turned out this lady lived up the road no more than a mile from me!   Small world indeed.   Swimming will be good for that foot.

    OG: I'd be interested to know what the American Diner dinner involved.

    Best thoughts to Harelady.

    Have a good Saturday everyone.

  • Another chilly day with no rain. Washing has dried to "damp", so half decorating lounge room and half in garage. I'm off to Dusseldorf late tonight (our time) courtesy of Tour de France. Telecast starts 10 pm (yawn).

    ANNETTE - I can suggest an American meal for someone special - Humble pie.

  • Good Morning, All.

    I'm running late, so no time for comments except that my laundry is draped around, too, AQ! Same on both sides of the world!

    Here's today's pic:

    My sweet peas, which are a nice mixture of colours this year.

  • Good morning, ALL!  Lovely clear sunny weather here for Annan's big day - Riding of the Marches (annually first Saturday in July).  Just made gingerbread, so OH is busy washing up - hoping to scarify and mow this weekend.

    Enjoyed the meal out last evening - such things still seem quite surreal to me, but consultant did say I am still in recovery from physical and mental trauma.  I started with Onion Ring Stack, OH had Mac-n-Cheese bites, J had Chicken Wings - all with assorted dips.  We all had Southern Fried Chicken Burger with salad, but I said no to chips and coleslaw and left half the burger bun.  I couldn't resist New York Cheesecake, but OH ate half of it for me after the Pancake and Blueberry Stack which he and J both had.  Of course, I was given a big welcome back to the OTB.

    Slept late this morning after a very hot night and a hay fever breathing incident.  All had a small breakfast!

    LINDA - I hadn't even heard of the film you went to with Friend - but pleased it was good.  Pleased Tomasz did well at Sports Day.  Enjoy your visit this weekend.

    HEATHER - lovely for you to see both girls get awards, and it sounds a big event for the P7s.  Enjoy Isla's birthday!

    LYNETTE - well done with the walking - and enjoy your swim on Tuesday.

    ANNETTE - OTB was decorated with Stars and Stripes - they do that with quite large flags for all their theme nights.  Next one is BBQ - don't know if they have the Australian flag for that!

    AQ - liked the meal suggestion for a certain President!

    HARELADY - I hope the move went smoothly.  Will be thinking of you through the sadness of the next few days.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • AQ: Big haha there. He would probably choke on it (but hey.....)

    Lindybird:  Lovely flowers; thank you!  I've heard that the remake of Murder on the Orient Express is good...

    OG: Well, that sounds like a one-of-each dining experience I could probably live without - and quite surreal too, even without trauma!  :-)   Interesting they served pancakes w/blueberries for dessert - it's a breakfast/brunch dish here.

    Sorry you are all wet; morning overcast here, sun due in about an hour...

  • AMMETTE - OH mowed half before light rain "stopped play" - hoping it will be a drying wind tomorrow morning so he can get it finished in the afternoon.  We normally eat pancakes, blueberries and maple syrup for breakfast, so it was a surprise to me too that they were on the menu - in fact I actually said I wasn't having them because it was a breakfast!  Just talked with Dau#2:J is going to see her later this month, and she and fiancé are coming here in August, so something to look forward to.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • We are home, safe and weary and having a (small) glass of wine after a long day. Good journeys both ways, in spite of the ever present roadworks whilst they "improve" the motorways.

    Took the family out for a pub lunch, then the children played in the children's playground outside it before we went back to sit in the garden with a cup of tea. We were lucky and the sun came out. A pleasant time, and nice to get the chance to snatch a few cuddles from our grandchildren.

    Bonnie came with us and was well behaved, although she caused some laughter when my OH tied her to a garden tree on a long lead, and she ran around the tree in circles until she ran out of string!!