WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JUNE 25, 2017

Welcome to the new week everyone.  Harelady updated us on her return to Suffolk today (Sunday) and she'll be returning to London next Sunday for funeral services the following week.

Lindybird: Thanks for the lovely photo of the poppy.

Pat O:  I enjoyed reading about your power-golfing holiday. Hope you have a good trip home.

OG: When do you expect the deck to be done?  (Is it a wooden deck or a patio area?)

AQ: Disconcerting that the snowflakes (snowdrops?) are so very early.

Meanwhile, while took Ms D up to the local Natural History Museum last week where, among other things, we enjoyed a visit with some injured and rescued raptors, now living happily ever after in the museum's gorgeous grounds.  In the first photo, Ms. D is cozying up to a peregrine falcon that had been shot (she looks a little uncertain, but I know the guy who handles it and he assured me there was no problem).  In the second photo, she's looking a lot happier being friendly with a gorgeous barn owl.

  • Good Morning, All.  Lighter skies here, and hopefully a bit warmer: like Heather, we had the fire on last night, and I put an extra light blanket over the top of the duvet.

    Heather - I was a bit low, myself, because of the weather. It felt unnatural to be so cold when only days before, we'd been sweltering.

    Lots of sad news on the media, doesn't help. We just have to count our blessings, I guess.  I hope you enjoy your trip to Elgin.

    Hope that work on the decking progresses, OG.

    Lynette - Good to hear that the boot is off for some of the time at least, and you're improving.

  • By the way, if you enjoy pics of wildlife, there is a Facebook group where everyone shares their own photos every day, it's the SpringWatch group and is very active. If you're on Facebook I can recommend it.

    EDIT:  Springwatch Fans group. There are some really stunning photos, every day.

  • Jenny, it's nice to know that you enjoy my pictures every day :-)

  • LINDA - had to click on a little x box to see that lovely Starling in the larch trees - fantastic - but lost my post trying to get back to this page!

    Yesterday was very wet, so today deck man is working with his wellies on in the puddles!  I think he will finish the frame today, ready for the decking planks themselves.

    Last day of term today; J will be planning some time away during the next six weeks - probably visiting his sisters again.  This evening the three of us are going for our American Diner meal at the Old Toll Bar.  They only do evening meals once a month, for their themed specials - I guess this one will be for Independence Day.

    HEATHER - J did have to change nappies in Primary School last time, which is his main reason for not applying for the longer hours at Primary this time.  I am sure you are enjoying celebrating Mia's time at Primary School today.  I also was cold last evening (much to OH's annoyance); I think with me it is partly tiredness and lack of activity, but he did agree to turn up the heating and I went to bed with two hot water bottles - and slept well, including the first four hours straight through.  Warmer (and dry) today, so far.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - Don't know why sometimes the pictures come up with a little box instead.  Something to do with the way the Site works, maybe.  Enjoy your meal this evening (& tell us later what you had...).

    I've been out to the cinema with my Friend, and we saw "Hampstead" which is a gentle story, not much to it really but well acted out by the main participants, Diane Keaton and Brendan Gleeson.  A sort of Richard Curtis adventure, with the usual love story interwoven, but without being too frantic.  We both enjoyed it, but would not rave about it:  I'd give it 8 out of 10.

    We also saw several trailers for forthcoming treats, which included two films starring the National Treasure, Judi Dench.  One was about Queen Victoria,  in the times when the royal household took on two Indian servants who took the fancy of the Queen, and is definitely a comedy.  The other was a remake (again!) of Murder on the Orient Express, which although its been done many times, did look good as it has so many famous people amongst the cast, including Dench again, as the Princess, and Kenneth Branagh as the detective Poirot. I think its directed by Branagh.  One we will not miss, when it comes around.

  • We are off to the Midlands again tomorrow, to visit our Youngest and his family.  Dashed into M&S and bought some cake to take with us as a treat, as I've not had time to bake anything.

    Tomasz (our grandson) came 1st in one of the School Sports Day races recently,and got a couple of 2nd places, too. Our Youngest apparently did well in the Father's Race, where they were obliged to not only balance a bean bag on a tennis racquet, but also to have one between their knees!  He was winning for quite a long way, he said, but then dropped his bean bag and had to go back for it.  He came in 2nd behind an athletic young man, LOL!!

  • Well done to Tomasz, LINDY! have a great time visiting the other family!

    OG - enjoy your American diner meal. I wonder what you will have?

    The continual rain in Elgin today didn't spoil a super day. I was wrong about the timing of things. Both the church service and prize giving took place in the church this morning. Mia and Isla were both prizewinners! Then Mum, dad, other grandparents and I went off to Harbour Lights in Lossiemouth for lunch. Back to school at 2.30pm to see the Primary seven class leave the school building for the last time. They were preceded by a bagpiper and drummer and walked twice around the playground to much applause.

    Back to Elgin tomorrow for Isla's 8th birthday party, it is just a family party.

  • Nice that you enjoyed yourself, Heather. Sounds like a super family day.  Have a good party tomorrow!

    OG - I forgot to say, I felt really cold all day yesterday. I think it was exacerbated by the damp. I wore layers of clothes, had the fire on by early evening, and only really warmed up when I got into bed with an extra blanket over the duvet!

  • Walking quite well now, toe seems to be stronger. Hope to get to church on Sunday without it on - relief. Back to the gym on Tuesday for a swim, really missed my swims.

    Lindy - I felt cold as well, dull, partially damp, a really unmotivated day. Good old Tomasz for coming in 1st and 2nd in races.

    Have a lovely weekend, all.