There's a nest in Ontario, Canada, west of Toronto that lost its female June 18. The male has stepped up to care for the 2 chicks (16 and 14 days old) by himself. Belwood Lake and Grand River - assuming those are his fishing grounds - look to be practically on the doorstep of the nest.
So far, so good...obviously a very fragile situation, but is it unheard of for a single parent to raise chicks from this stage to fledging?
Not a quiet day! Luther has had to drive off intruder(s) several times, and there was a short fight between the chicks.
Here is some defending at 1:52pm EDT, video by polo4722
(c) Grand River Conservation Society
Thanks Pandy.
The two chicks are best of pals now, snuggling up to each other, sleeping.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Being fed just now.
© Scottish Wildlife Trust - Loch of the Lowes
is it just me? I can only view photos on Firefox just now, Safari has gone kaput?
There's been a problem for a few days on different threads. Sometimes the photos are visible and sometimes not. It doesn't seem to affect videos.
I've just read all this thread, I didn't realise what has happened let alone what's going on. What a wonderful father Luther is and so sad about his mate. Theses little ones need all our prayers.
How would you explain this? Clearly, the intruder means no harm to the chicks and even moves to avoid them. Although one chick hides in the grass for a while, both approach the intruder at various times. Are they trying to chase him off? Seeing if he has a fish?
Then Luther lands with a fish, which has had its tail cut off cleanly. From a local human fisherman, maybe?
Video by polo7422
(c) Grand River Conservation Authority
And a similar scenario took place around 20:02 EDT. The intruder landed and stayed quietly until Luther returned at 20:14 with a fish and chased it off. The intruder vocalizes some between 1:46 and 2:46, very low voice. Is he a young bird looking for a dinner invitation?
Good Morning ALL
Chicks are in usual night time mode, huddled together sleeping.
Pandy - It is hard to say why that intruder keeps landing on the nest,, a bit of a mystery, if it was a female then probably she was trying to hook up with Luther. It is a strange one, maybe some of the experts (Tiger etc) would like to add their thoughts.
Maybe a foster mother? At Rutland in 2005 we did see a female act as a surrogate mother to the translocated chicks. See Rutland 1 August 2005
Well neither the chicks or the surrogate mum were seen again as far as I know.
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