WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 2017

Happy New Week all.  Check back for the last of last week's posts.

  • PS - phone expected restored next Monday!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Oh, big drama OG!  Hope all restored to working order soon. 

    I've been polishing and cleaning, the house will smell of it.......  My OH has gone off to a funeral, of a farmer who's lived around these parts for all his life and now departed aged 96. My OH used to visit him and admire his big collection of farm vehicles and equipment, he loved all the vintage stuff.

  • Heather B said:

    LINDY, hope that you have a lovely time with Amber (and her parents!)

    Thanks, Heather!

  • HARELADY    Been away for a few days so only just saw your distressing news. Thinking of you and your daughter.

  • HEATHER   Huskies do not take kindly to hot weather. A friend has 4 and a few years ago one of them had a fit which was down to the warm weather. My friend doesn't train her dogs in the warmer months.

    We got back yesterday evening after a very enjoyable few days in York. We saw Mum on the way home and she is much the same mentally, but has lost a bit of weight and is very weak. She has to be hoisted from bed to chair. We stayed the night at Pitlochry (the first time without Benson) and travelled home after spending a good long while at Braur. We bumped into a fellow guest in HoB. She and her husband had travelled up from Essex and this was her first visit to Bruar. Needless to say, she was extremely impressed.

  • Scotland is still wet ... I did have two days of 'dry', and even a little sunshine, but most of the time it poured with rain.  It didn't stop me doing most of what I wanted to do (didn't get to Staffa though - too rough for the boat to sail).  Had a great couple of hours watching a pair of sea eagles with one chick - saw a 'feed' and a real flying display by both parents.  Now in Troon with - I hope - stable internet after three days without.  Hoping for dry weather for our intensive week of golf starting tomorrow.  All you people with hot sun ... please, please send some north!

  • PAT O   Glad you are still able to enjoy yourself despite the weather. We had a few days at Tobermory many years ago and visited "Fingals Cave". It is spectacular. We named our 2nd Golden Retriever "Fingal"

    Forgot to say that we got chatting to 2 guests who were at the table next to ours at "Pine Trees". They were celebrating their 59th wedding anniversary. They were both in their 80s, and were totally with it and very good physically. Then I think of my poor Mum who is neither and she is 82. Very sad.

  • Morning all: Quick look in. Kids arrived at 2 a.m.!!!  Yawn. Must discourage such future late arrivals. They're still asleep and I woke up at usual time.

    Heather: Well, that is nice - and unusual - that you got a letter from doc.

    dibnlib/PatO Welcome back after your outings.

    Harelady:  Thinking of you....

    Family in UK sweltering. You are hotter than here in Santa Barbara!

    Was watching some of the videos following the fire in London. So sad and such terrible memories for those who survived.  :-(

    Off to prepare for whatever....

  • DIBNLIB- I know how distressing it is to watch a parent slowly sinking in the way you describe. I used to wish that my mother could go quickly. I suppose that the only comfort is that she probably isn't aware x

    PAT- I would send sunshine but it is in short supply here in Inverness. Here's hoping that things improve for your golfing week.

    ANNETTE- 2am! Perhaps you should have an afternoon nap...

    I haven't achieved much today. There are quite a few indoor jobs that should be done but my get up and go has got up and gone:-(

    Such sad pictures and news from London. Like all of us, I am very heavy hearted.

    Thinking of HARELADY and her family.

  • ANNETTE    Thank you.

    HEATHER  Yes, i know what you mean about going quickly. I feel the same and then feel so guilty for my thoughts. A friend who is a nurse at the Iain Charles says they call it the relatives illness. Perhaps you knew it as the same when you were a nurse.  Looking at your earlier posts OH and I have been trying to work out where you live and OH thinks he has it pinned down.   Keep well. It is so good you have lots of caring relatives to help.   Sorry to hear that S in Ls employment is looking dodgy again. Fingers crossed it works out well for him.