There are several nests with healthy active bobbleheads which we will be watching with interest this summer.  We expect  a fine show of fledglings during late June & July, with  many strong beautiful juvenile osprey migrating to their winter homes in Africa come August and September.

         I do hope you will still find this a place to share any news of the osprey world that is of interest to you as well as other matters of interest. If anything pops up on Facebook I'll post it here.

  • Thanks Limpy for your good wishes. I for one have not found this a good season on this forum. I was most disheartened when openly saying that I could not watch EJ and Odins chicks die in front of my eyes, along with others, we received very pointed comments from contributors on this site that this was real life and could we only watch in the good times. This spokesmanship made me stop contributing for the next two months or so. I am now back to contributing but when giving a thought that birds of prey don't retire I am then questioned why we cannot all agree to be happy and just imagine. Living in a democracy people are entitled to voice opinion when that option is given. I am not criticising the blog in any way and I very much like Chris style both in writing and when meeting him in person. BUT I was just adding a sense of realism about nature in the raw as I was criticised for not doing in May. Due to the unhappy atmosphere on the site I will now resist commenting on any of the threads in future as this season has pretty much sickened me. I had found this site a good source of information but now find the bickering comments when we do not support all that an organisation has to say too much.

  • WELL, it seems the old GABFEST is still alive and well.  

        This thread was born in controversy and received its greatest downfall amidst pretty much the same controversy.  When some were politely kicked off the main blog by being told such conversation was more appropriate elsewhere, (with which I agree, btw) the GABFEST was started as a thread for free speech where anyone was welcome to express any opinion so long as it was done politely and according to RSPB Forum rules. But while friends were peacefully debating various issues, we would suddenly be attacked by an outsider, as has just now happened again.

  • LMAC - I refer to your post -This spokesmanship made me stop contributing for the next two months or so. I am now back to contributing but when giving a thought that birds of prey don't retire I am then questioned why we cannot all agree to be happy and just imagine. Living in a democracy people are entitled to voice opinion when that option is given.

    I look forward to your posts on either this thread or any thread you wish to post on. Your contribution and opinions have been most welcome over the years and am disappointed that "Spokesmanship" have in the past prevented you and may also prevent you posting in the future. In fact I look forward to your thoughts and opinions and respect them.

    I like yourself commented regarding retiring ospreys only for a spokesmanship or as I would call an intruder to this thread to question why we cannot all agree to be happy and just imagine. I think the same intruder chased away a good friend of this thread using similar psychology so lets not loose another good contributor to this forum.

  • I want to thank everyone who has contributed in any way to The Gabfest this summer and particularly to those participating in the current Fairy Tale discussion.

     LMAC, Your remarks have been particularly appreciated since you have not been as regular a contributor. I see that Keith has posted while I have been typing.  I can only echo his sentiments. This controversy will pass and The Gabfest will settle down again within a day or so.  I do hope we don't lose you as a contributor.  In fact I hope you will feel free to come here to express any opinion at any time. You are always welcome to not only participate in ongoing discussions, but to start new ones if you wish.  Who knows you might start a major fight! (joke!) :) Hopefully, no more "fights".

    KEITH,  as my Co-Captain on The Good Ship Gabfest, you know without being told that your contributions are always deeply appreciated by me. Many times over the years we have had our disagreements.  Sometimes just for fun (on my part, anyway) and sometimes more seriously, but through it all we have remained steadfast friends.  That is important to me and much appreciated.

    WILLOW, GARDENBIRDER, SHEILAFE,  your presence on this thread is always valuable to The Gabfest whether you choose to discuss some current issue, osprey in general, your garden or wildlife or to simply express your feelings with a "like".  My thanks to you all.

  • I had to wait 20 minutes on the first tee this morning waiting to drive off. Our Dunblane swans decided to show their cygnets the golf course and took their time ambling from the first green to the first tee.

    They then left the tee and went on to our tennis courts where the annual Murray tournament was taking place. Judy Murray had to suspend play whilst the two swans showed off their cygnets.

    This pair well know to Dunblane take their cygnets for long walks everyday to view the town - to the shops - to the cathedral and today did not want to miss The Murray Tournament.

    Many Thanks to Judy Murray for the picture as the swans departed the first fairway and on to her tennis courts.

  • Yes, it has been said many times on this thread and others that we DO want "the HARSH TRUTH".   In fact, I think that it is the duty of the LG staff, as well as the staff at any other nest, to report the FACTS/TRUTH, harsh or otherwise, as to what is happening regarding that nest. I know I wait for confirmation from the staff for many happenings. But why does it have to be either/or or ONLY? Why not both? Once the FACTS have been reported truthfully why not also some fun, imaginations, some fairy tales.  In my opinion BOTH are a good thing.  Just so long as we know the difference!  

  • JUNE - A lovely sunrise to the east of Rutland water but an empty nest.

    As I am aware both parents are still around with one remaining young still yelling for food 2AM.

    The other young 2AN has not been seen since the weekend of July 29/30 and it is speculated to have migrated very early at 79 days old.

  • Dyfi are reporting that one of the young Aeron has not been seen since 08:00 Sunday morning.

    Has he gone - We'll keep an eye out for him today, look everywhere we can, and let you know tonight.

    He was 84 days old yesterday.

  • Valerie, well said. Having been there myself in June I have witnessed how welcoming, kind and knowlegeable these folks are. They have been through, as well as us, a very hard season, and being in the front line could not have been easy. No one knows what has happened or will until next season, or even then. Yes I have thoughts about EJ having disappeared, but I don't want to think that way and I hope she is safe and will return for another year and If we do not see her back at LG what is wrong with having our fairy dreams.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.