Odin not seen since 18 May 2017 early afternoon --- 3 days. We have one chick left, no fish deliveries, and an unringed male hanging about the nest. I am personally moved by the greatest forum participants I have ever seen. Many opinions expressed with no personal rancor in the disagreements. I believe all are opening their hearts and minds in a fervent unified wish for the best for EJ. As one forum poster said, "If only EJ knew how many are thinking of her." I am back in town and stricken to see all the news, yet so very honored to be in the company of such courageous nature watchers. Thank you all.
At this moment EJ is sleeping on a mercifully quiet nest with a light wind but no precipitation. May she have peaceful dreams that come true for her.© RSPB - Loch Garten and Carnyx Wild
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Unknown said: And maybe closing the webcams is the right thing to do. On the one hand we have a non-intervention policy because what happens is "nature", on the other hand we can watch it all on our settees, or pay a man in a shed at LG to have a look on some big screens, pleasing people most of the time, horrifying them this year. I think the webcam should indeed be switched off.
And maybe closing the webcams is the right thing to do. On the one hand we have a non-intervention policy because what happens is "nature", on the other hand we can watch it all on our settees, or pay a man in a shed at LG to have a look on some big screens, pleasing people most of the time, horrifying them this year.
I think the webcam should indeed be switched off.
I don't agree with that at all. If you do that every other webcam could be switched off. It happens every year on BBC's Springwatch some young birds live, some young birds die. The BBC don't switch off there webcams because of that. If you can't bear to watch the Loch Garten webcam don't watch it yourself, otherwise it could be the beginning of a slippery slope and no wildlife webcams at all.
What is stopping you? A click of a mouse will do it.. It is in your own hands.
Tiger Signature
Greetings everyone. I've been absent for a couple of years because of ongoing family health issues, but have dipped in from time to time whenever possible - HUGE thanks to all you tireless contributors to the DU who keep all the lurkers like me so comprehensively informed. What a dreadful week it has been, but THANK GOODNESS EJ has eaten and seems to be OK. She is one tough lady. Will Odin return? Who knows. This may sound totally heretical, and I am a huge fan of Odin and have been for years, but I do wonder if EJ may do better now with a younger, stronger, more dominant partner. If nothing else, this week has proved how absolutely ESSENTIAL it is to have the male bird able to provide food at all times, and to repel any, and all, challenges from intruders.
Back to nest cam for the night I expect.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
What is stopping me is that I am human. It's like telling me to stop biting my nails or eating chocolate.
And my point is that if the RSPB want to turn this into armchair entertainment and make money from it at LG by installing lots of elaborate equipment AND maintaining a certain infrastructure for the Ospreys, then it is they that are edging away from nature and they should have some thought for the emotions of those that tune in.
So have some thought for the audience of the show they are putting on, or don't put it on.
Unknown said: What is stopping me is that I am human. It's like telling me to stop biting my nails or eating chocolate. And my point is that if the RSPB want to turn this into armchair entertainment and make money from it at LG by installing lots of elaborate equipment AND maintaining a certain infrastructure for the Ospreys, then it is they that are edging away from nature and they should have some thought for the emotions of those that tune in. So have some thought for the audience of the show they are putting on, or don't put it on.
It's not entertainment at all, its educational. You've got to except the joy and sadness whatever it brings. And I'm afraid it's like this in nature. You've got to except it's not all perfect in nature or in life.
EJ is back
She's flown.
Hazel b said: Two well known webcams have been closed already and sooner or later more will follow. Anyone choosing to criticise the RSPB in this most difficult of situations should consider what might happen if they pulled the plug.
Two well known webcams have been closed already and sooner or later more will follow.
Anyone choosing to criticise the RSPB in this most difficult of situations should consider what might happen if they pulled the plug.
My question would by who would put up a wildlife webcam and not expect criticism when things go wrong, or close them down! if they don't like what is being said?
© Scottish Wildlife Trust - Loch of the Lowes
Oldshoremore said:Greetings everyone.
Hellooo, Oldshoremore, it's great to see you, even tho the circumstances that have brought you out of the woodwork are so tragic. And I'm sorry that it's health problems that have kept you away.
I just checked my system to see if my typing shortcut for your name still worked, and it doesn't - I hope you'll be a more frequent poster so that it's worth setting it up again ;)
Oldshoremore said:This may sound totally heretical, and I am a huge fan of Odin and have been for years, but I do wonder if EJ may do better now with a younger, stronger, more dominant partner.
It has (heretically!) crossed my mind even before this that the price we pay for being favoured by the cutest and most beautiful male osprey in the world is having to accept that he is not the strongest, most dominant of partners for EJ.
This caught my eye a while ago:
EJ landed, almost with a bounce! I'll leave the snaps to MOFFER's super VLC setup :)
There was a Windows "Creators" Update on my LG laptop and I stupidly allowed it to go ahead, thus missing lots of EJ and the intruder's activities - plus it turned off network sharing, oh what a state I'm in :'(