DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Monday, 22 May 2017

Odin not seen since 18 May 2017 early afternoon --- 3 days. We have one chick left, no fish deliveries, and an unringed male hanging about the nest. I am personally moved by the greatest forum participants I have ever seen. Many opinions expressed with no personal rancor in the disagreements. I believe all  are opening their hearts and minds in a fervent unified wish for the best for EJ. As one forum poster said, "If only EJ knew how many are thinking of her." I am back in town and stricken to see all the news, yet so very honored to be in the company of such courageous nature watchers. Thank you all.

At this moment EJ is sleeping on a mercifully quiet nest with a light wind but no precipitation. May she have peaceful dreams that come true for her. © RSPB - Loch Garten and Carnyx Wild

Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • Super photos Moffer. Thanks. That looks a very tasty fish! In the latest short blog from Jess she said that if Odin doesn't return, EJ could start courting a new male ready for next year! Still time for Odin to return yet though.

  • Karen W said:

    Unsure if this has been posted ...  apologies if duplicated

    Link to  >>>>>   Brief update from LG Team

    Thank you.

  • pam j said:

    Hi Just home and caught up with what's happened since 6.00am. It was inevitable that this would happen, EJ could never have raised the chicks on her own even if fish had been provided. It would have been even more heartbreaking to watch them perish in a week or two or be killed by one of the intruders. It's tragic that this has happened but EJ will stay around and protect her nest and we will have the privilege of watching what transpires over the next few weeks. Hopefully Odin is recuperating nearby and they can be re-united for the rest of the season. If not, watch this space......?

    You are absolutely right Pam. You and I have watched ospreys webcams since 2004 at least and the one thing was stressed was the policy of non intervention. 

    Initially someone wanted to get a cherry picker to rescue the beleaguered chicks but soon got used to watching nature in the raw.  

    On a few occasions there have been attempts to help a single female osprey both incubate eggs or bring up chicks. The process always  ends in failure because the help of the male is essential.

    Fostering was also suggested. Now one can do that but it also has its risks. The reality is that there are no free lunches.

    Everyone who attacks the decisions of the webcam operators is hastening the day when there will be no webcams. Who would want to operate a webcam only to get lambasted by people who sit comfortably in their chairs.

    Two well known webcams have been closed already and sooner or later more will follow.   

    Anyone choosing to criticise the RSPB in this most difficult of situations should consider what might happen if they pulled the plug. 

  • "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • I do agree Tiger, as the RSPB can't intervene in every nesting bird at every RSPB reserve or elsewhere and you can't make Ospreys an exception. As I said said that is nature. It might sound hard hearted, but sometimes that's what happens with nature from time to time



  • I hope that oden does not return and pairs up with EJ,i don't think i could go through this again hope she pairs up with a new younger male that is able to defend the nest if oden returns we could go through all this next year.

  • And maybe closing the webcams is the right thing to do. On the one hand we have a non-intervention policy because what happens is "nature", on the other hand we can watch it all on our settees, or pay a man in a shed at LG to have a look on some big screens, pleasing people most of the time, horrifying them this year.

    I think the webcam should indeed be switched off.

  • Sounds like someone landed on or near the nest. EJ is on the fish perch.

  • From the M73!  Thank you Moffer and Limpy for the lovely pics of EJ tucking into her fish. It's good to know she is around and still using her familiar perch. I wonder whether the intruder is the same unringed male.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/