Yesterday the first chick was born! At 19.24 Moffer heard a 'croc' sound followed by chirps. A video by Scylla confirmed the noises. At 10.55 EJ finally took a break and we could see the chick. What a joy! :-) We should have good views today. Let's hope the weather improves, as yesterday was very windy. I'll do some posh links to videos in the morning.
Tiger's Osprey News
Lots of digging and shuffling going on...
There's been a little chit-chatty bird attracting EJ's attention but I couldn't see it.
Morning Scylla and everyone that joins in today. Thank you noc for starting the day, and thanks for the early posts and vids. A frosty start, but the sun is coming up now, so EJ should defrost quickly. What a chatty little chick, just lovely to witness.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
Just checked back in case I blinked ;)
Good morning, MOFFER! I'll leave the snapping to you now, please demand a vid if req'd :)
An alert from EJ.
There's a Crow around. EJ shouts at it.
Odin heard?
That flippin' Crow, caw caw.
The Crow's presence is still bothering EJ.