Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 May 2017


So nice to have OG back on the thread!

I hope this is an easier week globally. Everyone have a peaceful, safe week!

Tri-Colored Heron, Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge, Florida USA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • After Strawberries and Raspberries this week, we enjoyed some lovely Cherries at lunchtime!  I love these summer fruits.

    Seen pics of the big wedding - why do the Middleton girls dress so old fashioned?  So 1940s, I often think the Duchess of Cambridge  looks like the late Duchess of Windsor!

    OH is planting some bedding plants in the fence pots on the deck - agreed the colour sequence with me, then went out and did different; och weil, ye can tak' the boy oot o' East Anglia but ye cannae tak East Anglia oot the boy!

    As you might guess from the above, I am very bored.  Tried watching EJ at LG but can't bear the sadness, although I do agree that intervention would be wrong in this scenario.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all: Unseasonably warm here; have been out tidying up the garden and watering the pots.

    Heather: We are amused at one's dilemma regarding the use of personal pronoun, but we prefer that to the use of "impersonal" pronouns.  If one were to invite fellow bloggers over to dinner, one would have no worries about leftovers.  :-)  How long will one stay in Glasgow?

    OG: Had to smile at your description of the Middleton girls. My mother used to say that if you lived long enough, everything would come back into fashion. I was in Target a while back and was taken aback to see racks of shirt-waisted  dresses with flared skirts and similar items straight out of the 50s!

    dinblib: Thanks for Benson's dimensions - he always looks so tall in photos.

    Lindybird: Maybe your ship could get hijacked for the second week of cousin's visit?  Maybe by a group of fanatic sommeliers, ballet dancers, the MormonTabernacle Choir....?  Sorry - silly season is here.

    Oh dear, just caught up with DU and not happy to read that Odin is MIA. :-(

    Must get organized; three errands on the list this morning....   Ooops, make that five...