Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 May 2017


Wednesday is the Full Moon.

I'm so happy to see OG back on the thread. Welcome back, OG!!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Rob Roy Covered Bridge, over Big Shawnee Creek in Indiana
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

I chose this photo for the week, even though it's not wildlife, because Lindy told me that she likes covered bridges and I thought the Scots on this forum might like it. This bridge is not far from where I live and is named for Robert "Rob" Roy MacGregor, the famous Scotsman. Many of the people in my area have Scottish family/ancestors, including me. The bridge was built in 1860 and is 105 feet long. The local small town, also called Rob Roy, was platted in 1826. Many bird species thrive in this very rural area, including birds of prey (bald eagles and many species of hawks and owls). There are also wild turkeys.

  • Sunday’s bus trip was very interesting. 20 min stop in Crystal Brook, then on to Beetaloo Valley. Beetaloo Reservoir was built 1886-90 to supply water to Copper Triangle (Yorke Peninsula towns) and Port Pirie. First dam with a concrete wall in Aussieland. 200 workmen & families camped, in tents at first, in this isolated valley. Stone school, hall & hotel added. After reservoir completed, the valley was planted with orchards and supplied Port Pirie, perhaps 15 miles “as the crow flies”.


    We drove around Laura and I captured a few buildings through bus window before lunch in Laura. As the tutors had supplied juice and homemade muffins & bics at our Beetaloo stop, I wasn’t hungry and just had a wonderful icecream. Laura is the home of Golden North icecream, a must. The toilets in centre of Laura were out of order and no sign of where else to go. Many people didn’t find the “where else” at other end of main street before it was time to leave. Hence we had an unplanned detour into Gladstone (10 mins away) to use their facilities.


    In Georgetown a brief stop for a few to photo the Anglican church hidden beneath pepper trees*, then a drive around back street for another church. (Photos next few days.)   * Pepper tree


    Drove past Bundaleer Reservoir which was built 1898-1902 when Beetaloo became inadequate. It has an rammed earth wall. Water was diverted through tunnels and a steel aqueduct from Broughton River. When we reached the aqueduct mid-pm, I was feeling fit and decided to join others climbing the hill to the top. I’ll let you know when I post these pics. Beetaloo pics posted on flickr today. More churches next few days. Previous pics were Victoria if you scroll back/down through my pics.

  • This is the lull between food shop and nanny duty. I’m going a little earlier so Dau can have shopping time alone before she collects Miss5 from school. On Monday I visited our new great-niece. A beautiful babe fast asleep with her arms raised as if in surrender. Another lovely sunny autumn day. Last week I buried some ranunculi and daffodils for spring. Rather curious that an unknown mauve flower has appeared where the ranuncs should be. No idea what it is! Time to wind myself up for my fun afternoon.

  • Hi AQ; Hope you weren't late for nanny duty.  Will check out your trip soon. Meanwhile, I'm very familiar with pepper trees, we have a lot here - they're renowned for interfering with water lines!! Also took a peek at the pix. Love the Little Hampton Post Office - about the size of a postage stamp, as the saying goes.  :-)

  • Good Morning. Bright & sunny here again. There's never been a Spring this dry, I'm sure.

    Like the pepper tree, AQ, and will come back and re read your account and look at your pics later. Hope your nanny duty day is going well.

    Doing HW this morning, and off to visit Friend this afternoon before she leaves on a short break with old friends, followed by her cruise around the Med. We were thinking of going to Wales ourselves, but the weather is supposed to break here before the weekend. Maybe we'll go next week.

    Have a good day, Everyone.

  • Good morning all.  Another dry, sunny day in prospect.  OH is shopping near Carlisle this morning – Asda and M&S food hall.  Hairdresser coming this afternoon to rid me of three month’s thatch – should feel a lot lighter!

    Heather – last night’s meal of chicken and pasta turned out rather dry – I forgot to remind him to add some of the pasta cooking watyou.er to the sauce.  He should manage the salmon tonight – with some veg leftovers from the freezer.  Sounds as if you have a busy time ahead with joiner and painter – and all the tidying in the garden!

    Annette – I hadn’t realised whale count was still going on through May – sad if that calf sighting was accurate, going the wrong way.  Poor old Lightning, hope the vet helps you make a sensible decision.

    Dibnlib – is it a heel spur that you have?  I hope it can be treated for you.  Sorry about your OH swallowing problem – very uncomfortable for him.

    Linda – pleased the allotment was impressive with all your OH’s hard work.  We too are wondering whether we shall get some late frosts.  Sorry about your sick friend.  Can imagine young Amber taking an interest in the building work!

    Lynette – good to see a post from you, and that you are still swimming.

    AQ – sounds an interesting bus trip last weekend.  Hope nanny duty went well – how old are the twins now?  Soon off to kindergarten?

    Well, that took me ages – cursor keeps jumping and I carry on typing in the middle of an earlier sentence.  Had a trial sit at “rea” PC Monday evening, and I think I shall be using that more when OH is around to sit  me safely on wheeled computer chair!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Another quiet day on here. I enjoyed a swim this morning (1/2 mile) then coffee. Got home about 1215 did a QTR and went down to the community centre to try out a Tai Chi class for over 50s. Unfortunately the instructor didn't turn up. I had debated about going as walking does seem to aggravate my heel. Wish I hadn't bothered now.

    OG   I was told by GP that it was achilles tendinopathy. Don't care what it is called, all I know is that it can hurt a lot.

  • Busy in the garden today but taking Facebook breaks, muscles need to be eased in gently...

    Shattered, no replies tonight but tomorrow is another day :-)

  • Busy morning here organizing stuff in between reading various anaylsis on recent firings!!!  Eeegads. How much more ridiculous can the U.S. Administration get?!

    Meanwhile, off to whales where things proceed normally and Mr. T's opinions hold no sway...

  • Linda – What a tiny little flutterby.


    OG – A new hairdo will feel wonderful. The twins will be 3 next month. Kindergarten not until they are 4. Meanwhile they have PlayGroup, playdates at local playgrounds and Dau arranges outings eg to zoo (they have a membership so much cheaper). They are busy little people.


    Dibnlib – How frustrating with no instructor. And no one to complain to.


    Heather – Don’t overdo it too soon. The garden will wait.


    Annette – Regarding your Eeegads comment. Admin is providing lots of fodder for cartoonists. (I suppose they will get the sack next.)


    My nanny duty was a breeze, MissL napping, MissJ playing word games on her i-thingie. When |I finished the washing & dishes, I sneaked away to lounge to knit. I was noticed and MissJ sat next to me still playing with letters & words. MiisL didn’t wake until after Dau & Miss5 returned from school.


    Miss5 has swimming this week, bus to pool in morning, teacher wisely doesn’t expect much in afternoon. Miss5 is very tired – and starving, Dau is sending extra snacks in lunchbox, still hungry. Into shower, waistlength hair to be washed, phone call, Dau & OH have a late call for a parenting course starting in 2 hours. Yes, there’s a creche, soup & bread provided. Mad rush to pack Miss5 off to Guides, ring Daddy with changed evening, check clothes & drink bottles labelled for creche, pjs to put on before come home so straight to bed. Explain to Littlies. Somehow Dau & I managed everything in time and I was dismissed a few minutes early.


    Earlier, before chaos descended I had photo-ed twins.