Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 May 2017


Wednesday is the Full Moon.

I'm so happy to see OG back on the thread. Welcome back, OG!!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Rob Roy Covered Bridge, over Big Shawnee Creek in Indiana
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

I chose this photo for the week, even though it's not wildlife, because Lindy told me that she likes covered bridges and I thought the Scots on this forum might like it. This bridge is not far from where I live and is named for Robert "Rob" Roy MacGregor, the famous Scotsman. Many of the people in my area have Scottish family/ancestors, including me. The bridge was built in 1860 and is 105 feet long. The local small town, also called Rob Roy, was platted in 1826. Many bird species thrive in this very rural area, including birds of prey (bald eagles and many species of hawks and owls). There are also wild turkeys.

  • LINDY    That is so rotten for your friend.

    Those cherries are wasted on the puss.

  • Quiet on here today!

    I'm enjoying my book;"New Lanark - Living with a Visionary."  About the cotton mills, owners and workers in the time of Robert Owen.  Second in a trilogy - first was based around David Dale.

    Physios came to see me - very pleased with the way I am doing things and thinking around minor problems.  We mutually decided it was not worth taking the risk of trying steps, with only three weeks to go before orthopaedic appointment

    OH is gardening again - doing very well looking after house and garden and me!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Yes, quiet today here! LINDY, I was so sorry to read about your friend.

    OG - EE is a star! I wonder what he will cook for you all tonight. Wise to take things slowly regarding weight bearing etc.

    It has been a beautiful day here. I've been sweeping up leaves and tidying the sittooterie but can't do anything more to it until I get a new pressure washer. If youngest son in law isn't called into work, he will come here at the weekend and we will go out together and buy one. The grape vine is slowly bursting into leaf.

    Had a phone call from the joiner, he will come and look at his next job here. Replacing fascia boards around the three dormer windows at the front of the house. He is suggesting plastic ?Upvc instead of wood. Then, expecting the painter at some time as all the outside needs to be re-done. Both these jobs were arranged by my OH last Autumn.

    By the by - the International Dawn Chorus is now available to listen to on the BBC website.

  • Morning all:  

    OG: Good you're taking care of yourself and that EE is taking good care of you.

    Heather: Just checked Dawn Chorus website and heard half of Sunday's broadcast before taking  Lightning to vet. Blood tests, etc. = $$$s!

    Very slow day at whales  yesterday, although they saw what they were afraid might be an abandoned calf heading in the wrong direction. No update on it by later afternoon...  Only two more weeks.

    Cool and breezy today; sun may pop out around dinner time if past behaviour any clue.

  • ANNETTE- poor old Lightning. I had a 19 year old cat who developed kidney disease. She started having fits and sadly, we had to say goodbye. Horrible.

  • HEATHER    Thank you so much for the info on the "Dawn Chorus"  We will make sure we listen to it.

    What a glorious day. First time we have been able to sit out this year.

    I have my podiatry appt on Mon and it can't come soon enough. The swellng at the back of my heel is quite pronounced and can be extremely painful.

    OHs swallowing prob happens only occasionally. He gets a very painful airlock and has a problem shifting it. Sat it took about 90 mins before he got relief. We can't pin it down to anything in particular. He has an appt with GP next week to see if they can help, although he has seen them about it before. Think he will just have to stop eating!!!!

  • Been busy - walked to the shops, bought some pork chops for tonight and strode back. This afternoon I went with my OH to see how the allotment's doing. It looked nice and tidy due to his efforts, and things are coming along well in the greenhouse - it's a bit frustrating that there's still a chance of frost at the moment or I could put some of it in the garden.

    Our friend has had a further operation, as it was also found that he had an additional lump on his neck. His wife is naturally distraught. We await news now as we can do nothing. 

    Our Eldest has the builders in, to knock down an extension and build a larger two storey one in its place. Little Amber is agog at all the goings on! 

    Good that EE is taking all in his stride, and coping admirably, OG.

  • Just seen your post, Dibnlib. How uncomfortable for your OH.  Hope he can get some helpful advice.

  • dibnlib said:

    LINDY    That is so rotten for your friend.

    Those cherries are wasted on the puss.


    Cats arn't renowned for eating them are they?! But I realised that there are some cherries in the shops now, already. I do like to chomp on a few.

  • Hi all.  Just quickly scanned through all the news - loved reading what one has been up to.

    So pleased to see OG posting again.

    I too, find it difficult to sleep and so come downstairs and put the tele on and play catchup with programmes I've taped and promptly drop off, waking up when the programme has finished.

    Managed a few lengths at the gym today and will be going again Thurs.  OH off to commentate at the cricket tomorrow for a day/night match.