Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 May 2017


Wednesday is the Full Moon.

I'm so happy to see OG back on the thread. Welcome back, OG!!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Rob Roy Covered Bridge, over Big Shawnee Creek in Indiana
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

I chose this photo for the week, even though it's not wildlife, because Lindy told me that she likes covered bridges and I thought the Scots on this forum might like it. This bridge is not far from where I live and is named for Robert "Rob" Roy MacGregor, the famous Scotsman. Many of the people in my area have Scottish family/ancestors, including me. The bridge was built in 1860 and is 105 feet long. The local small town, also called Rob Roy, was platted in 1826. Many bird species thrive in this very rural area, including birds of prey (bald eagles and many species of hawks and owls). There are also wild turkeys.

  • Brighter since late morning.  OH gardening but coming in soon to finish cooking dinner -braised beef is in oven.  J has gone to Gretna Gateway.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • We've had such a beautiful day here:  wall to wall sunshine, pretty much.  I set to right away this morning, as my OH had gone out for a day's golf somewhere miles away and it was just Bonnie and I.  I've done more cupboards, looked online at stuff, and sorted out some clothes. (I took three blouses down to sis-in-law yesterday in case she wanted them).

    Rang my cousin and had a good chat.  We're both not sure if another cousin is due for a "landmark" birthday and will have to find out, rather than get it wrong and send a card which is premature!

    Have just been sitting in the garden with a cuppa now that my OH has returned.  He enjoyed his golf although not anywhere near winning the competition, a Senior competition organised by his Golf Society. (They are all crown green bowlers who also golf).

    Heather:   Of course, I can imagine a myriad of emotions flitting through your mind every day.  I don't think I would cope too well myself with a shock like that. I hope the flashbacks become more rare as time goes on.  I agree with OG's wise comment that you need both kinds of care - plenty of hugs and sympathy, plus also sometimes a bit of a jolt from others to help you stay focused.  If its any consolation, regarding walking, I find that when alone or with my OH, I sort of meander along not very fast, but when with others I'm surprised at how they stride out!

    Regarding the discussion on hugs --  I will gladly hug anyone who I know well, or a dear relative, but draw the line at total strangers! Also, find this new fashion of kissing everyone rather bewildering.  When did it start?  Nowadays it seems the thing to give enthusiastic kisses on the cheek to just about anyone you're introduced to, and I find it rather off putting. Sometimes its both cheeks, and they don't seem to know when to stop!!  "Very Continental" we mutter, as we retreat back to being reticent and English.

    ps  -- I still have a fountain pen and a bottle of black ink which were my Fathers!  Its hard to throw them out.  I did give some of his stuff to my sons,but there is not much left which was his alone.  I do have a small china figure of a horse which he loved, and a commemorative plate with lots of historical balloons on it - the kind where you go up into the air in a basket.

  • OG:  Good to hear from you every day, now.  Oh dear, do please be careful ~ we don't want to have you back in the hospital again.

    Will you be having regular check ups on progress?  I suppose the physios will be able to tell you how much you should be doing with that leg.

    I miss dear Brenda and Margo every day.  Their joint input on here was huge, and its left us all with a big gap not only in terms of posts, but in enjoying their lovely company and wise words.  Now that the latest osprey season is well under way, with our lovely EJ and Odin once again in residence,  I can't help feeling that they would both have been thrilled.  They will both always be with us, each in their own way.

  • Forgot to say, thanks to Diane for the lovely covered bridge photo to start us off again:  I adore those, and one of my favourite films was "Bridges of Madison County" which was based on a photographer of these special bridges.    I see that your awful downpours of rain have now stopped, and hope that not too much damage has been done.

    Bonnie has grown up at last but can still cause mischief: She is still digging holes in random places in the flowerbeds and on the lawn. Dangerous if you don't look down when walking on the lawn!  Last week she caught and killed a baby rabbit when out walking.  This week she ate something very very dead, it was covered in fur but unidentifiable... she threw up later.

    Here she is on the last trip to Wales, butter wouldn't melt....

  •  ---  ----- She looks reasonably clean, so must have just been washed after a dirty episode.  The white parts are rarely that white, LOL!!

  • HEATHER   Was discussing things with a GP friend who I have known since we were 4 and grew up in a wee village in the central belt. Result of course is that we knew each others family. Her Mum died very suddenly after having a massive stroke when visiting her. My Mum has hung on for years. There is no easy way to lose a loved one and it will take a long time for you to get over it. Don't be hard on yourself.

    LINDY  Benson excelled himself the other day by emptying the food waste bin. He had kindly left us the teabags on the kitchen floor some of which he had ripped open and which he obviously didn't like but had eaten some mouldy strawbs. We thought he might be ill, but not so. The food bin is now kept on a work top in the utility room!!!

  • DIBNLIB - Thank you so much

  • Did anyone hear the Dawn Chorus on Radio 4 this morning?  I woke up and 3.00am and stretched out my arm to put the radio on.  I was hooked immediately.  So lovely to hear the 'night' birds, especially the bittern, and then to get the full glory of the birds gradually joining in.  I didn't go back to sleep in case I missed something!  They started at 12.30am, but I missed that bit!  But I stayed for four hours of birdsong and chat ... fascinating.  Hope they do something similar again, although I guess it's a 'minority interest'.

    Now, of course, I'm exhausted!  

  • Yes, I was listening for most of the night, Pat. Great to hear the chat from Spain regarding ospreys.

  • Good Morning. Dry here again.

    The dawn chorus is a magical thing.

    We're off for a walk around a mere (small lake). Then a visit to a farm shop.

    Here's today's pic:

    "I see all of life in black and white"