Nearly had a heart attack when I looked at the LG webcam and saw a pile of large sticks! It was several seconds before I finally spotted EJ on the far side of the nest. Hurriedly read back through the Daily Update until I found the explanation. The wind is a more acceptable cause than wicked intruders (Crows, etc.) dropping huge sticks on the nest!
Kind regards, Ann
In the video that made its way to facebook, EJ did not flinch as the sticks blew toward her. I feel safe in saying that neither EJ nor the eggs were harmed. However the sticks were in her way as she soon got up and moved one, before settling back on the eggs.
Evening, June. Yes, it looks as though both EJ and eggs are unharmed, fortunately.
Hello, Ann. I am disappointed that Odin didn't show up to help get the nest back in good order.
. Just for a little color and some variety.
The nest looks a lot better, THANKS TO ODIN. He was somewhat later than I expected, but he did finally get the job done.
The LG nest does look better than it did earlier today. We've been out for much of the day so I'm only just checking back now. Perhaps Odin was busy with fishing or chasing intruders or maybe he did not notice the misplaced sticks immediately. I did see EJ move a small stick before I logged out earlier today. Sad news at Manton Bay at Rutland Water. Their blog today says they are not sure why the chick died, but it is possible that Maya may have accidentally stepped on the chick and when they are very tiny the chicks are very fragile.
June, Love the flowers.
Good evening all. Very sad news at Manton Bay, but the good news is theres 2 more to hatch and the first chick looks strong and healthy!
Will we see a hatch at Loch Garten tomorrow? Pleased to see that Odin has finally tidied up the nest :) Better late than never :)
We are now waiting in earnest for our first bobblehead. First egg was laid on 7th of April. Today is the 39th day.