Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 April 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Red-Tailed Hawk in Flight
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Re hard-to-open containers of all sorts, I complained the other day that the pull-to-open seal on a new tub of yogurt seemed designed to foil even the most determined terrorist...

    OG: Banned from kitchen? Wonder how long you'll put up with that. Good luck with the garden steps - do you have a handrail or two installed?

    Off to sort out the world....

  • Just read all the news.   So good to see OG posting and "behaving".   Mind you doing that progress should be good. Shouldn't be too long before you can go out into the garden.  Anyway, take care.

  • OG – You don’t have to be in kitchen to supervise LOL. I’m sure you are “raring to go”.


    I had an extra shop expedition this morn to buy some wee pink onsies for newest member of family. OH’s niece has a daughter, Yolanda Mae. I’ve added hand cream for the new mum. Miserable overcast day that can’t decide whether to rain or not, hence washing crammed in garage.

  • Evening all: Nice evening here; longtime friends came over for dinner and we sat around the table talking for hours. It's supposed to rain tomorrow and Sunday; no plans to do much at all...

  • Good Morning. Clouded over, here, but still forecast dry. We could do with some of your rain, AQ! Went around the garden with watering cans keeping my pots damp, and refilled the bird baths.

    Hoping for a quiet weekend. My OH is tired after doing too much rushing around all week, and getting up early several days running. There were problems with the water supply at the allotment, and he went there three times in one day yesterday to try and sort it out.

    I'm getting on with the kitchen cupboards - threw out some ground ginger which looked very old indeed, and found some risotto rice which was dated years ago, don't know how I missed it previously! We'll be eating that, don't think it will kill us!

  • Nice to buy something tiny for a new youngster, AQ. The girl next door is expecting her babe this month, although I've not seen her or her bump lately.

    Here's today's pic:

    ! ! ! ! !

  • Linda – We didn’t get any rain after all, not even a sprinkle. I could have hung washing outside.

  • Hazy sunshine here today.  OH has done indoor jobs, such as ironing; not sure whether he washed up after giving us cooked Saturday breakfast - my first since January, but I had to ask for reduced quantity.  He is now going shopping for weekend meat and veg.  I'm probably more frustrated at home virtually immobile than I was in hospital!  

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • LINDY   what a lovely pic.

    OG   yes I can imagine it is very frustrating to be at home but not allowed to do anything!!!! nightmare.

  • OG: So what is the prognosis in terms of your doing more at home? Did I read that the physio folks are coming by next week?  And do you have one of those walkers with the seats so you can pull yourself around perhaps?

    Lindybird: That is such a cute photo of the fox and skunk. Here's a link to our local news site showing a family of skunks foraging. Very cute! www.edhat.com/.../tidbit.cfm.

    AQ: I see those sweet little outfits for newborns and wonder that any of ours were ever that small.

    May Gray has now officially arrived. Sun came out as our friends arrived at 5:30 yesterday afternoon.  Drizzle, coastal fog and cloud on the menu  with actual rain tonight and Sunday.  May Gray is typically followed by June Gloom.  A bit boring but great for garden work.  Laundry in; not much on the agenda but will be going to the gym at some point today or tomorrow.