Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 April 2017

HAPPY NEW WEEK and HAPPY EASTER (to those who celebrate the holiday).

It was 80 F or 26.6 C here today. Very warm. The grass is growing like crazy, and I don't have time to mow right now!

Welcome home to AQ. I'm sending my best wishes to OG and to Eagle-Eye. I so hope she can get out of the hospital SOON!!!

I hope you all have a wonderful week.

Orange Tulips
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Sounds like a lovely day, Heather. Have a safe and hopefully easy journey home.

    We ate the leftovers from our roast lamb meal yesterday, but had no room left for a couple of baked apples, so I've left them unbaked, and we may have them tomorrow with custard. A lot of people were looking at the sea yesterday, by the way, and when we investigated someone told us that there were two sealions frolicking in the waves. We walked closer, and there they were, bobbing up and down. No camera with me, of course, and they were a few yards out so would have been hard to snap. A first for me, seeing them in the wild. We did see some seals once off this coast and apparently they used to be quite common, but as there are less fish stocks now, they're rarer.

  • Good Morning, All.  I'm up early and about as we're meeting sis-in-law and her friend to go for a walk this morning.

    I hope everyone has a good day.

    Here's today's pic:

    "This is my own mini chair, too small for anyone else"

  • We had work started for a small extension Tuesday before Easter.This is what it currently looks like!

    This is so that we can have a cloakroom so I can get to a loo while OH is occupied in the bathroom (up to 2 hours on shower days as everything has to be done by hoists). Hoping Building Inspector turns up on time at 8:15 am so big skip can go, concrete lorry arrive and small skip delivered. If it works then building can start Wednesday. We are having fun!? BI only lives around the corner apparently so you never know!

    We had a letter from my brother's pension company on Saturday , which involved sit down before I fall down. We now have to look at what financially is left in the estate to allow us an income at the same time as protecting as much as possible from future inheritance tax for the girls.

    Let us say that this is something we had NOT anticipated. Phew, finally got it all together!

  • Morning all: Catching up on phone calls and organizing various recycling trips this morning (hazardous stuff/electronic bits and bobs/non-recyclable plastic bags/thrift stores, etc.) Where did all this come from?!

    Forestboar: Financial planning always sooo much fun! I jest of course.  Hope the inspector was on time and that you get your cloakroom up and running sooner than later.

    Lindybird: Looks like kitty will soon outgrow that chair.  Assume your knee has now taken on a yellow hue? 

    Hope OG gets to see her physio soon - can't remember when that was, but she's missed!

    Heather: So glad to read you had a good weekend away and that the shop was busy.  I remember Biggles!  Also from the same era, Billy Bunter of Greyfriar's school. He was always going on about tuck boxes from what I recall...

    Hallo to everyone else!  Now back to To Do list.

  • FOREST BOAR that cloakroom sounds very necessary for you.

  • dibnlib: I can assure you it will take away another element of stress!

  • Stupid weather. I've had enough of summer. 30 C today, 31 tomorrow.

  • FOREST BOAR   There were  3 adults living in my inlaws house and only 1 bathroom with toilet in. I always wondered how they coped.

  • Good Morning, All.  Sunny here but doubt if it will last long. We decided to stay until tomorrow, though, as it's dry at least.  Very cold in the night last night.

    Send some of that warmth, AQ!

    Here's today's pic:

    "Count my spots!"