Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 April 2017


The Full Moon is Monday night/Tuesday morning.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

Welcome back, AQ!

Greater Roadrunner
Death Valley National Park, California U.S.A.
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Clare: Wonder how many this year.

    Very quiet on here today. I know my UK family were lolling in deckchairs in the garden, what with all that sunshine.

    My grandson is off to see his Mom and sister (and Ms D!) next weekend so I spent the morning with him sorting out some things he'll be taking to her. I stopped at Vista Point on the way back and took this photo: Wild mustard with Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands in the distance. Lovely.

    Lovely moon tonight too.

  • Having slept 10 hours last night, I rose just as weary, did the washing, packed away holiday bits & pieces, loaded pics on to computer. I'm not sure where the day has gone, now I have to think about producing food for evening meal.

  • Good Morning, All.  Cloudier outside my window today, and my OH says it's a chilly wind.

    Not surprised you slept so long, AQ, after all that travelling, and I know that awful feeling when you awake still tired. Hope you feel better tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing your pics.

    Lovely pic from you, Annette: how bright the wild mustard is!

    I've lots to do today again so must get going on it.

    Here's today's pic:

    My good pal keeps me company.

  • Strange weather here: much colder, and grey clouds. I suppose that's what we should expect from an English spring.  The lawn has a covering of petals, swept by the wind from nearby trees.

    My OH has discovered that when he fell up the stairs a few weeks ago, he did indeed damage his toenail, which is now coming off. We'll have to put a sticking plaster on it, to protect his big toe while the new one grows. He's just gone off to get our VERY old car an M.O.T. certificate - if it fails, he'll send it to the scrap yard!

  • AQ: Oh dear - all that exciting gadding about and then back to the domestic routine. How did your knee fair on the trip?

    Lindybird: If I were going to ever have a small dog, it would be one of those cute little furry ones. On the other hand, you wouldn't have to house-train the stuffed one.  The thought of your OH stubbing his unprotected toe makes me cringe.  The wild mustard really was a brilliant yellow; the photo doesn't do it justice.

    Whales this afternoon and then yoga, although I can't say I've got much energy for the latter at this point.

  • Good news, LINDY!

    Sorry I'm missing in action. Have caught up with everyone's news. I have had a busy few days, youngest family went home yesterday. We had a lovely few days, the granddaughters did baking with me, cup cakes and a coffee cake. Then yesterday, Sunday roast lunch for ten of us. I was told to sit down with a glass of wine and let them do everything. Bliss!

    Take care, all.

  • Great that you've had an enjoyable time with the family, Heather. Lunch for ten! That must have been fun!

  • Hi all.   Thanks Diane for starting us off again.

    Must remember to look outside later on and see the full moon

    Oh dear, I'm afraid I don't do my exercises re knee as one is always up and down doing things. Naughty but nice.

    EE nice to hear OG is progressing and that you have been busy in your garden.

    Lindybird - love that cat picture.

    AQ - hope you enjoyed your trip.

    Off up to Manchester tomorrow to see brother and his partner. Going up and down in a day but dau., bless her, is doing the driving.   House has been put on the market for auction again so here's hoping my brother gets a sympathetic landlord who will finish the renovations started by the cowboy of a landlord.

  • HeatherB - please to hear you had a lovely few days with youngest family and that everyone took over for you yesterday. Hope you enjoyed your meal.