Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 9 April 2017


The Full Moon is Monday night/Tuesday morning.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

Welcome back, AQ!

Greater Roadrunner
Death Valley National Park, California U.S.A.
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Diane: Thank you!  That Roadrunner must've been caught right after a Death Valley rainstorm with all that green around him!  Hope you got the first (?) part of that freelance project in on time.

    Very slow day here; lots of things to do, but oh well...

  • Annette: That Roadrunner photo was taken at the Visitor Center at the national park, so it may have been a small area that was maintained (irrigated) for tourists. Speaking of the National Park Service, you may find this funny (albeit bitterly).

  • Diane: Yes well, and Mr. T just donated his first quarter's salary to the National Parks so that should fund - what? - a week's operation at one of the sma;;er parks? It's going to be interesting to see how the budget fight shakes out....  It's been an interesting week, what with Bannon/Nunes etc...

  • Good morning, all.  Love the roadrunner!  It's certainly more photogenic than the nutter in the White House.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning.  Bright & sunny, here. Saw a hugely bright moon last night, working it's way up to being a full one.

    Thanks to Diane for starting us off again, with the cheerful road runner. Hope all's going well with your project.

    See we had a brief glimpse of AQ, as she passed by! - Enjoy your day trip!!

  • Here's today's pic:

    "You don't want to read, do you??"

  • It's been a beautiful day here:  done some tidying up in the garden, plus have sat down in it, in the sunshine.

    Here are some pictures I took a week or so ago, of my spring flowers:

    Pretty bright blue grape hyacinths, they seem to spread on their own but I don't mind when they pop up through the cracks.

    The centre of a "Christmas Rose" which hang their heads down, but when you lift them up you can see the beauty hiding there.

    Just an ordinary daffodil, but you shouldn't take them for granted, they are each lovely in their own way!

    My camiellea has been beautiful:  this is just one of hundreds of flowers on one bush, which we enjoy seeing out of the kitchen window.

    Another daffodil:  this has a so called "Pink" middle to the flower:

    (I thought, rather unromantically, that it looks rather like a very rich fried egg!!)

  • OG says: "Hi folks, thanks for starting the thread.  Another week begins.  I've been practising my exercises through the weekend.  I guess it will be another week of the same, similar to last week.  Liked Roadrunner picture, memories of seeing one being put through his paces at Kielder.". I've been planting potatoes this morning, so there will be some produce from the garden this year.

  • Thanks, E-E!!  - Please tell OG that we are still thinking of her.  My Friend still does her exercises for her knee, long after she had the knee op, as she was told it was vital.  She hates doing them!

    My OH has planted less potatoes this year, to make it less work.  He will harvest them when they are nice and new, and then for a while afterwards, but we won't be trying to keep ourselves in our own potatoes exclusively.

  • Yay!!!!  EJ has laid her first egg!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.