Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 March 2017


The Spring Equinox is on Monday. Happy Autumn Equinox to AQ!

I hope everyone has a great week and a wonderful new season! It's finally SPRING!!!

Florida Panther, Everglades National Park, Florida
Florida Panthers are highly endangered.
U.S. National Park Service photo
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Morning all:

    First off: Thanks for that lovely Big Cat photo from Diane and the butterfly from Lindybird. And yes, I was referring to the hare and not the hair in Clare's photos, not Lindybird's!  Duh.

    Clare:  I wouldn't mind being a long-lived bird, but not sure I'd want to do some of those long-haul migrations.  Worse than a polar flight to London, where at least they serve you food and drinks! Thanks for the link to Brenda's Good Egg award.  I was wondering if Mrs. T was still a Moderator. She used to pop in now and then but hasn't been around for yonks now...   Chuck Berry was a character - I have Johnny B. Goode on my iPhone to keep me alert on long driving trips.

    PatO: Have Beethoven on my iPhone too, along with Marvin Gaye and Mozart.

    Not much on television right now; our Public Broadcasting stations are in the middle of semi-annual fund drives and we're being treated to lots of god-awful "specials" that they trot out every time.  Still, "To Walk Invisible" about the Bronte sisters is on next Sunday.

  • Hmm. Well, just messing around on the BBC website and took a test to see where the best place for me to live in the UK is based on my personality type (I cheated and put in my sister's postcode - North Kesteven - when asked where I lived now).  Turns out I'd be happiest in the Shetland Islands, not happy at all in the Hebrides, and that the nearest best place to my "current" postcode would be Harborough (County?). However, life satisfaction is also apparently good in North Kesteven.  Not sure about the Shetland's "short mild summers and long cool winters".....

  • Annette: If you move to the Shetland Islands, will you take me with you? Please? I am increasingly feeling the urge to get out of here.

  • Annette. Having read your post re the BBC survey, I have just done it. It recommends Harborough for me too!!!! Do you think it suggests that place for everyone? It is in the midlands apparently. I currently live in Wales and am very happy here!

  • Good evening, all.  We had a lovely time at Minsmere and I'm now uploading more than 700 photos to the computer!

    I need to try that quiz on the BBC site - I wonder where it will tell me I should be living?  I love living here.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I took the BBC personality test twice. The first time I used a Carlisle postal code. The second time I used a Dundee postal code. Both times, the quiz told me that I should live in West Dorset. Strange...not what I expected.   :-)

  • I've been recommended Ryedale (must check out the location!) while my worst place is the Hebrides!  It also thinks I'd be better off moving from the beautiful Suffolk coast to the (admittedly beautiful) countryside of central Suffolk.  Hmmmmmm.........

    EDIT:  It's in North Yorkshire.  A stunning location but I think I'd find myself at odds with the local grouse industry.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Rusty: Maybe the BBC personality/bets places survey could be used as a dating site! :-)  Will have to check out Harborough on Google Earth.

    Diane: West Dorset? You're more than welcome to come to the Shetland Isles with me (but I wonder if there's a Target there....)

    Clare: I'd override the BBC experts and stay on the coast any day. We are clearly not Hebrides material!  :-)

    I wish they'd do one for the U.S. with "political leanings" question, though - silly me - the geographical divisions per political party is already quite clear. (All I can say is thank heaven for California.)

  • Annette - I took your "hair" remark with a pinch of salt, as I constantly have to monitor my posts for ideas which my tablet gets about spellings, or weird words appear which I never meant at all...

    I must go off to the BBC Site to take a look at this survey!

  • Here's a link to the BBC test.


    Annette: There is not a Target store. There is a Tesco Superstore in Lerwick and a Harrys Department Store. :-)