Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 February 2017


Hi, everyone. I chose this photo for the week because the Sandhill Cranes are migrating through my state on their way north to their spring nesting grounds. I like them a lot!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Sandhill Crane
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • ANNETTE  That is the trouble with all the very large/giant breeds, St Bernard, Newfoundland, Great Dane etc. They all have very short life spans. 

  • OH pleased coz Enland beat Italy in the six nations. Next time will be the Calcutta Cup (in 2 weeks) when we are both supporting the other side!!!!!

  • Annette: I dunno. I inserted the pic when I posted (didn't add it later). Weird.

    Happy new moon (dark moon) to everyone! I watched the Ring of Fire solar eclipse this morning on the Slooh website. It was visible in South America and Africa. Very pretty.

  • Good evening, all.  I made it out of the house with the camera earlier - I'm now going through 600 photos!  Got a bit carried away - problem is, Felixstowe on a windy day is sooooooooo photogenic.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Diane: Well I clearly have lost the plot. The reason I didn't see the photo is that I clicked on Last Post on the LG page and was taken to the last post which was your second one. Duh.  :-(

    Clare: I was aghast at 400 photos; can't imagine 600. My own record is well below 100. 

  • Unknown said:
    I was aghast at 400 photos; can't imagine 600. My own record is well below 100. 

    Limpy is capable of coming back from Rutland with the best part of 2000!!  The problem with modern photography is that it's so easy to just keep snapping.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • And fortunately so simple to delete, so you can keep the best ones and delete the rest.  I am a great fan of digital photography :)

  • Right, been through all 600 - click on this adorable pair to see the rest:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Diane - Thank you for starting another week and a glorious picture of the crane.

    HeatherB - hope you are coping and thank you for the info re OG. Glad she is making progress. She will get some pain. My knee is still tender and that is nearly 4 years ago it was done.

    Clare - love pics as always.  Been grey and windy here, they say another storm Ewan coming in but should pass fairly quickly. I must admit when I go on holiday abroad particularly I tend to take at least 200 or more and then have to sift through them when I get home - but I like it.

    Another week of the same things happening, hope Lindybird is enjoying her break.

    Have a good week , all.

  • It’s too bad that OG has no wifi. Perhaps an motivation to get of there and back home!


    Lynette – My knees don’t pain any more (5 years for one, 8 months for other). Just feel a bit numb when touched. So glad I had them replaced.


    This morn I left my transport at the car hospital. Sad news that they predict 10, yes ten, working days for repairs to back end. Loan car is bright red. I won’t be out and about more than necessary as city is crazy with Fringe, Womadelaide, Festival of Arts and a noisy car race. One month to goldfields trip.