Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 February 2017


Hi, everyone. I chose this photo for the week because the Sandhill Cranes are migrating through my state on their way north to their spring nesting grounds. I like them a lot!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Sandhill Crane
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Clare: I enjoyed your lovely photos!

    Annette: Safe travels to Arizona. I hope you have good weather for driving.

    I'll try to pop back in and catch up with everyone. Best wishes to all.

  • Thank you, Clare, for another lovely set of pictures.  There's always something that makes me smile.

  • Evening all:  Don't miss Clare's photos from Abberton Reservoir, which looked more than a little chilly. www.rspb.org.uk/.../193656.aspx

    Diane: You're so good - thank you once again for starting us off. I'm still here and have delayed trip for a day or two due to expected snow and rain in Prescott Monday and Tuesday morning. Not so much worried about the city, but once I get into the AZ high country I take the back roads that are quiet anyway and would rather drive them in good weather.  Hope your freelance job is proceeding apace.

    ForestBoar: Good to hear that the computer is behaving once again and that things look to be a little easier in the weeks ahead, what with your bro's estate almost sorted and the new car arriving. Do take care!

    EE: Tell OG we hope she's settling in at Annan. Doesn't seem like you've tamed the wifi yet.

    Hallo to everyone; here's to a good week ahead.

    Keep thinking today is Sunday....  

  • Good morning, all.  Love the sandhill crane, Diane - we had one appear near here in 2011 and all the twitchers went crazy!  Limpy has gone to Minsmere so I'm free to plot my day....which could include more photos.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning, all.  Love the sandhill crane, Diane - we had one appear near here in 2011 and all the twitchers went crazy!  Limpy has gone to Minsmere so I'm free to plot my day....which could include more photos.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning everyone and thank you DIANE.

    I've a message from OG. She is settling into the local hospital but there is no WiFi available for patients' use.

    She is feeling generally better but currently experiencing some pain in the knee area that was operated upon.

    OG sends her love to you all and thanks you for your kind messages.

  • Thank you, Heather.  Glad to hear OG is feeling better, and hope the pain can be lessened.  Shame about the WiFi - amazing in this day and age that patients are not able to access this in order to keep in touch with friends and family.  Glad she has you as her intermediary.

  • FOREST BOAR Glad the new car will be so good for you.

    Glad OG is generally better.

  • DIANE   Thanks for starting the week and the great pic.

    Struck lucky this morning. I managed to get a much needed new swim bag today...and there was 30% off.  This was at Tiso where as usual we were having coffee after a walk at the canal. It was very quiet and a couple came in with a beautiful 9 month old Bernese Mountain Dog. We enjoyed a conversation with them. The cafe got busier and almost everyone stop to make a fuss of Ailsa. who was enjoying every minute of it. We stayed so long we had to have another coffee and this time we shared a cake with it.  I have no will power!!!

  • Morning all:

    Diane: I swear your photo of the Sandhill Crane wasn't on here when I posted last night! And yet the time that was posted is earlier than your second post.... Am I going completely batty or what?

    Heather: Wot? No wifi for OG? Inconceivable.  :-)   Thanks for passing on her messages. Tell her if she's going to shake a leg, make sure it's not the one they operated one. Hope you and your bro are having a good visit.

    dibnlib: Googled Bernese Mountain Dog coz I forgot what they looked like, but it seems they have a very short lifespan - just 6-8 years?

    Hallo to PatO and Clare and any lurkers out there.

    Rain here. Yet again.