A fresh, blowy day at Abberton.

As Limpy and I are still recovering from our respective lurgies I thought Abberton would be perfect to visit - there's lots to see and very little walking required to see it!  After a very tasty hot egg roll each we headed to the nearby Gwen's Hide to see what was about - not before snapping this obliging bird at the Visitor Centre, though:

I can never resist coots.

These black-headed gulls looked a little wary despite the numerous wigeons paying them no attention.

A lone Egyptian goose on the shore of the reservoir.

Winding up the great black-backed gulls wouldn't be my idea of fun.

Probably why I love crows so much!

This teal inexplicably picks the choppy surface of the reservoir for a quick kip.

There were quite a lot of wigeons about.

This crow discovers that herding wigeons is harder than it looks!

You are virtually guaranteed to see a pied wagtail if you visit Abberton.  They are all over the place, especially near the shore.

This rook looked less than impressed at finding itself captured on camera.

I'm glad I really like cormorants - I wouldn't have snapped the great crested grebe if I didn't!  I only saw it when I viewed this picture on the computer.

This robin was looking a bit blown about near the Visitor Centre.

A rook comes gracefully in to land.

After a nice, hot cuppa we headed out to the Layer Breton causeway before heading home.  There was plenty about:

'Don't go!  I only want to know where you got that bobble!'

Two of the goosanders which were pottering about.

This greylag goose wonders why it's obliged to climb a kerb to get to the other side of the road.

A lesser black-backed gull looks as chilled as it's capable of getting.

A mute swan enjoys a drink - aaahhhh, that's better!

'You watch your beak, you cheeky goose.'

Now this is what you call a bobble!

I thought this was a lovely looking bird.

This grey heron was lurking out of the wind.

Lovely to see nest building in progress!

Finishing with this lovely group of swans.

Enjoy, as always!

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.