Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 February 2017


I thought I would begin the new thread by honoring Margo, who passed on this past week. She was a much-loved member of our community, and she will be missed. Comfort and solace to Chris, her OH.

Billie, Margo's beloved cat, was such a joy in her life, I thought these two happy kittens cuddled in the shape of a heart might be appropriate.

Cuddled Kittens
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • DJoan: I'm so very sorry for your loss. I always enjoyed our owl posts, and I'm saddened to read that the last year has been so sorrowful for you. Take care of yourself.

    I am so relieved that you're okay. The reports from So-Cal about the weather bomb are horrific. Take care of yourself and evacuate if necessary. Don't take any chances!

    Lindy: In case I get distracted, I want to wish you a fabulous holiday! I hope your weather is wonderful and you have a great time.

    Clare: I'm glad that Limpy is out of the hospital. Give him my best wishes for a rapid recovery.

    Heather: I'm so sorry that you are struggling. I wish I could help. You did the absolute right thing by sending for your brother. Don't doubt it for a minute. I hope he can give you comfort.

    OG: I'm so glad that you're making some progress, although I realize that you have a ways to go. You're too spirited to keep down for long, and I'm sending you strength, my friend, for a quick recovery.

    Eagle-Eye: I hope you're now feeling better. I hope OG will be in the local hospital soon.

    So nice to see folks popping in: ChrisyB, Nairnred, Mike, Lmac, Harelady, ForestBoar, George, bjane, Scylla, Keith Rogers, MaryGK, Nature Lover, and my buddy Sheila!

  • Hallo all - and Diane, thank you once again for starting us off.  Margo would've loved those two kitties - and the card for Heather and Djoan was so thoughtful of you.

    Lynette: Good your daughter made it home okay, but too bad Lanzarote was unseasonably cool.

    Here's to a calm and peaceful week for everyone.

  • Good Morning to Everyone, and many thanks to Diane for starting us off again, and with two lovely, thoughtful pictures. Beautiful.

    Lynette - Had heard that it's been a changeable weather scene in the Canaries, as some acquaintances came back from Tenerife this week and had had a cloudy time. Hope your daughter still enjoyed her break.

    Annette - Our relatives have gone to Sicily (A place I would love to see) but we are off to the Canaries again soon. Hopefully the weather will have settled down by then. It can be rainy in January, which is their only time for much chance of this as their winters are very mild and dry in the main.

    Sorry to hear about the loss of life in your bad weather: dramatic scenes being shown on our TV.

  • Went out last night, and my OH came home with a small cup from winning a golfing competition last year. We had a good try at the quiz, but only managed to get about fifth place amongst the teams, out of about eight teams. However, we had only FOUR members to our team, and most of the other teams had six or eight - the winning team had.........TWELVE members!  Rather silly, we thought, they should have broken them into two separate groups. Grr!

    My OH ran the raffle, so we did not take part in it. Lots of bottles of booze and some small gifts given out. We were tired to bed, as no longer used to staying up late.

  • Here's today's pic:  not little kitties, but somewhat larger!

  • Heather - Sorry you've been somewhat low. We are all with you, in spirit. Go with the flow and tell yourself there are bound to be days when you feel down. {{HUGS}}

  • Diane. I thought your picture was so appropriate that I have just copied your post to Chris.

    I will send all others, as usual, tonight.

  • Hello everyone

    Thank you DIANE both for your message and the beautiful picture for Joan and I. Peace is indeed what I long for, together with acceptance of my loss. Both will come, I know. I'm a bit further along the road than JOAN and CHRIS. I'm sending love and thoughts to them both.