Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 February 2017

Happy New Week!

I'm sending love and strength to OG (Original Goldfinch) and to Eagle-Eye. Hoping for her rapid recovery.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Wild Bobcat in Snow
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Evening all: Raining here. Again. Can't ever remember a winter when it was so consistently gray and wet. Still, at this rate, won't have to turn on the irrigation for months!  :-))

    Heather: It'll take some prolonged heavy rain to fill our local lake (Cachuma). The drought was extreme in the southern part of the state and the surrounding watershed is still not saturated enough to produce the necessary runoff.

    AQ; Your 117F temps yesterday made the news here today, which is amazing given that our media is almost totally focused on the Troll in Chief. On the bright side, he's providing an endless store of material for the likes of Steven Colbert (comedian/commentator/etc). Re earthquakes, looks like you had a 6.5 temblor in 1902 and a 6 in 1897. That's nothing to sneeze at.

    bjane: Bannon. Yes, well. I'm putting my faith in our court system. Rolled my eyes when Mr. T tweeted "see you in court" to the Court of Appeals that ruled against him yesterday. The Washington state Attorney General who'd requested and won the temporary restraining order responded along the lines of "We just saw you there - twice."

    Better change the subject. :-)

    Lindybird: Just make sure you don't stack all those shoes on the same side of your cabin; wouldn't want to ship to keel over from the weight.

    I gather there's a fly by by a Comet tonight. I was going to rush out and try to see that and also the lunar eclipse with my binocs, but don't think it'll happen.

    Best thoughts to all on the thread....

  • Good Morning, All.  Not sure about the weather here, yet - it's not doing much outside my window, but I'm told I need to wrap up against a very cold wind.

    Didn't get around to defrosting my freezer yesterday as planned, as we were doing other things, but must get it sorted today. We've been eating all kinds of things from it over the last couple of weeks to get the quantity down. I keep quite a variety of stuff in there, as I'm not a great meal planner and don't go food shopping every day, either!

    Off to look at Clare's pics.......

    Have a good Saturday, All.

  • I know exactly what it's doing outside my window - it's snowing!  Now I'm wondering whether the bowls match will be on today, but of course nobody will be at the club before I need to leave home ... it's sixteen miles away on country roads, and if I have to turn round and come home immediately I will not be happy!  It does look very pretty at the moment, though - before I have to set foot outside!

  • That is the problem with snow, Pat - it's pretty, but can make a journey such hard work! Hope it gets called off before you leave, somehow.

    Clare - Nice studies of small birdies. I wonder if I've seen a Dunnock without noticing it amongst all the other "Small Brown Jobs", as they say. Lovely pic of the fluffed out Blackbird.

  • Good morning from a snowy Highlands of Scotland.

    Only 3rd snowfall this very unseasonal winter.

    Pleased to see OG " dictating "so like your style.

    My convalescence has not been straight forward. Lovely Community nurse visit on Monday with a follow up phone call from Doctor at local hospital. New things weren't right so by Friday OH up to surgery with sample at 8.30 tested straight away and back home before 9 with ABs. Two tablets later felt so much better slept for 12 hours and feeling much more relaxed.

    As I type Daisy is on the bed next to me snoring her head off. It's such a calming sound should be available on the NHS.....

  • Good morning everyone

    I have a message for you all from OG - she phoned a wee while ago. The move to the orthopaedic ward last evening went as planned and OG had the most restful night since admission to hospital. The consultant - who is new to the area and happily, specialises in knee surgery - saw OG this morning. He plans to operate tomorrow morning and determine whether the prosthetic knee joint can be repaired using screws, plates. As I understand it, if a repair is not possible then OG would then have to go to Glasgow for a replacement prosthesis. She instinctively felt that she could trust the surgeon so was happy to agree with his plan. OG woke at 8am today to find that EE was sitting beside the bed. What a gem of a man!!

  • WENDY- have just seen your post. You must feel so fed up but it is good that things have been dealt with and that the ABs kicked in so quickly. Thinking about you x Regarding Daisy, I believe the company is very therapeutic.

    There is a little snow here but the sun is melting it. I can't speak for the hillier parts of town, though.

  • Good morning, all.  It's lovely to come on here and read good news from people - finger crossed that things continue to improve for them.  The only person I'm getting really worried about now is Margo - I think it's been a while since we heard she was in hospital.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I agree CLARE, OG and I were saying the same thing, this morning.

    Clare Bailey said:

    Good morning, all.  It's lovely to come on here and read good news from people - finger crossed that things continue to improve for them.  The only person I'm getting really worried about now is Margo - I think it's been a while since we heard she was in hospital.