Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 February 2017

Happy New Week!

I'm sending love and strength to OG (Original Goldfinch) and to Eagle-Eye. Hoping for her rapid recovery.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Wild Bobcat in Snow
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Hello to all -

    Thank you DIANE for getting us started and for the pic!

    AQ - was thinking about the tomatoes that you mentioned last week. Like others here, I find it difficult to get ripe tomatoes at this time of year. I never store them in the fridge and wait patiently for them to fully ripen in a fruit bowl. Even then I am never quite satisfied with the flavour. When we used to grow them, I often made and froze a tomato sauce for cooking with. Can hardly believe that you granddaughter is going to be 21! I remember her (sometimes difficult!) teen years...

    EE - It is so good to read that OG's condition is progressing in the right direction. Thank you for keeping us informed. It is excellent that you are allowed in at mealtimes, in order to help. So important to aid recovery and often not seen as a priority these days. Food just left at the bed and plates collected whether empty or not and no-one who should know about it informed, a lot of the time.

    WENDY - Ouch. Two days in hospital when you expected to be a day case? Did I read that correctly?

    CLARE - will come back on later and look at your photos. Thank you for sharing them.

    LYNETTE - Hope that all was OK at your appointment xx

    LINDY - good to have you back :-))

    I'm invited to stepson and family for dinner this evening. I have been so fortunate with family around. Last night my thoughts turned to friends and family who had no such support for different reasons. Wondering how they managed and feeling guilty because I could have spent more time giving support to them.

  • Heather I can concur with your thoughts of people being on their own after loss.

    As a very young widow with children my network was amazing and got me through the dark days. Dark nights though were another thing entirely.

    Yes and extra whole day and not been out of bed much since I got home. All I can think is " it can only get better".

  • "Onwards and upwards!"  Wendy!!

    Seriously though, {{HUGS}} to you - hope you feel lots better really soon.

  • We've been to a farmer's market but only came home with some meat pie.  It was fun having a look around, though.

    Must mend my OHs jacket where there's a loose seam, and do a little ironing.

  • Just looked at your photos, Clare - it looked rather cold and grey there! Thanks for the explanation of the sharks teeth!

  • Morning all: Wrote a post last night then apparently forgot to "send" it.  Had nice dinner with friends but ate far, far too much.

    Diane: Thanks for starting us off.

    EE:  Hugs to OG and good to read she's doing better.  Thanks for updates!

    Wendy: Hope you get over the procedure quickly.

    Heather: Tell your family they're all super to take such good care of you.

    Lynette: Hope you're doing okay.

    And, of course, best thoughts always to dear Margo.

    I assume some of you will know that some European countries (or European tv programs) have been vying for second place in the Orange Menace's scheme of things. Anyway, here's Switzerland's entry. :-)  

    But here's something bird related that's interesting;  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2lFdDGz4xE

    Must get caught up on paperwork. Rain tonight and tomorrow.  :-)

  • Can't get your links to work, Annette.... 

    Glad you had a good dinner!

  • Hi all.

    Lindy love the pic.

    Wendyb hope recovery is fast and that you will be feeling your best soon.

    EE - thank you for your report on OG.  Let's hope that she continues to fight the infection and that her legs can be dealt with in due course.   Glad Dau. is managing to visit.  Will be thinking about you all.

    I'm fine, been told its nothing to worry about but have to go back in 4/6 wks for a follow-up appointment.

    HeatherB - nice to hear that family are rallying round at this time, it must be a comfort.