Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 January 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Mountain Bluebird
U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Thinking of you both, EE.  It's a sudden turn of events and such a strain for you and J too.

  • Dibnlib: I remember you mentioning the fall. It makes sense that you may have sprained something and it may take time to recover.

    I had an unexplained ache in my ankle joint for a long time, which worsened, and eventually when at its worst, had to be extra careful going up & down stairs, plus not changing direction suddenly when walking. After over a year, I'm finally beginning to feel it's stronger and less painful. Friends said it may have been a pulled ligament, although I don't recall doing anything to aggravate it!

  • EE - Thinking and praying xx

  • Morning all: I see Google has lit the candles for my official birthday! :-))

    EE: Prayers en route. Hoping for better news later on..

    Lindybird: Thank you for the cheery butterflies - they look like our Monarchs - and the lively horse  (a palomino? but maybe not).  Don't remember Radio Caroline but see that it launched in 1964, the year after I emigrated. Hope the weather/traffic behave for your day out.

    dibnlib: Smart to opt for exercises; you can do those at home at your convenience rather than trundling to physio.

    Woke up to pressies from OH: Jigsaw puzzle of Santa Barbara and a colorful Mexican frog (ceramic) for the garden.

    Raining here and more due Monday. Our local lake is still very low, but the Sierra snowpack is currently 173% of average, so our area can probably cadge some state water, although I'm sure we'll still be restricted for this year at the very least.

    Off to sort out some oatmeal.

  • EE sorry to hear about the problems that OG is having at the moment my thoughts and prayers to both of you. I thought I would be seeing more of you this year as you came to see the progress of your great grand child but I think that will have to be put on hold for a while.

    Hope everyone else keeps well.

    george g

  • EE- Thanks so much for the news of OG. Please let her know I am sending my prayers for her fast recovery. She certainly knew something was wrong other than arthritis. Too bad she had to suffer a fall before they looked further. I could write a book on Doctor's misdiagnoses in my family alone.

    Annette-Happy Birthday!

  • Unknown said:

    OG not well today. Something other than fracture has taken over concern for the moment. Group of doctors are trying stabilise her condition just now. Prayer would be welcome.

    Blimey, that's all you need.  Our thoughts are with her - and I hope she has improved.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Eagle-Eye, I am so sorry to hear that OG is not a happy bunny at the moment, and wish her a very speedy recovery.  It must be very worrying for the both of you, and my thoughts are with you.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Latest from the hospital.  OG is now on a medical special care ward.  She is rather 'out of it' for now.  The damaged leg remains in temporary full splint.  She is on a drip (not having eaten for 24 hours, nor drunk much for the last 18 hours) and intravenous antibiotics to try to tackle the severe infection (which is as yet not named nor the source properly identified).  I am on restricted visiting hours pro tem, but J did get to see and have literally a few words with her this evening.  Communication with OG in her drugged and debilitated state is erratic and in only brief snatches when she opens her eyes for a few moments between dozing.  Again we await the outcome of further investigation and consultation between medical and orthopaedic experts, as there may still be some deep-seated connection between fracture and infection as well as urinary infection which only today showed itself.  More news later this weekend, as it progresses.  Thanks for messages and good wishes from yourselves, which I am passing on to her (even if she won't remember much of the details).  Goodnight all.

  • Thank you so much, EE, for taking the time and trouble to post here and let us know how things are.

    I'm very sorry to hear that OG is so poorly, but at least it sounds as if they're trying to find out what's wrong and get her right the treatment. You must be very tired after such a long day. Thinking of you All.