Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 January 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Mountain Bluebird
U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Sorry I was late starting the thread tonight. I was watching the protests at the airports and lost track of time.

    Clare: Your most recent photos are lovely. I've enjoyed them.

    Heather: So glad that you are enjoying your visit with your son and that the family is keeping you occupied. I wish your son much luck with the new shop.

    Lindy: Your poem was lovely. I feel about February the way that you do about January. Worst month of the year. I can't wait until it's over. That rose you posted was beautiful. The horse is gorgeous. Thanks for the explanation about conservatories, sun lounges, etc. Mine is on concrete and is covered with a solid roof and connected to the front of the house. The only difference between it and a regular room is that it has windows all around it that extend from halfway up the wall to the ceiling. It's narrow but long, 8 feet by 20 feet. It will be tedious to paint because of all the windows. Loved your photos of Lanzarote.

    Pat O: Snow is coming tomorrow. I'll be afraid to open the door, too. :-)

    dibnlib: Enjoy the ballet! Best wishes to your mom.

    OG: I so, so hope you're feeling better with less pain!!!

    George: Nice to see you.

    Lynette: Enjoy your wonderful gift vouchers. I hope you get a good outcome at the doctors'.

    AQ: Happy belated Australia Day. I enjoyed the tales of the little ones. Please send heat!

    Annette: I loved the sign you posted. LOL I hope you made it through the heavy rains. I had a bad week. Cold rain and snow all week, and I feel compelled to check the news every day as soon as I get up (it's such a dangerous time). It's just so unnerving. Got my contract for review this week for the freelance project. It should start in February, but the writers haven't finished writing yet. I'm editing this time, not writing, although I've been told that I'll have to rewrite portions of the text. It will be a stressful project.

    Take care, everyone!

  • Thanks for starting us off, Diane. Good luck for new project. Plenty of heat to spare here, already (mid pm) 37 C, though we, near beach, are “only” 30 C.


    Linda – I have taken over your poem.


    January Down Under

    You bring the hottest winds of all.

    Outside we do not go

    And then, we wear our coolest gear, and on a hat, we pop!

    So please, go away, let April come.

  • Hallo all:  Thank YOU Diane:

    Diane: I was also watching the protests at JFK and feel so utterly distressed by what's happening to - of all people - refugees. There's a vigil tomorrow at LAX but I can't go. (EDIT: I see now that a judge has ordered a stay on Trump's order.)  There's also supposed to be a protest by scientists some time in March. I'm going to have to clear my calendar so I can attend them all.  That image of Trump and the Statue of Liberty comes to mind. And did you see the tweets in response to Spicer's comments about the inauguration turnout?  One sample: "That was NOT empty seats...that was millions of people wearing sheets."

    dibnlib: I'm sure May was worried he wouldn't stop at her hands

    Lindybird: Probably shouldn't comment on DT with wings!

    Heather: Hope Amy feels better soon. Glad you're enjoying the boys' visit!  Have they roped you into their whisky venture yet?  :-)

    Hope Sunday is kind to all. Meanwhile Diane and I will be awaiting the latest outrage on this side of the Pond!

  • Good morning; I wonder what today will bring.  Yesterday was continuously wet and the builder's man did not come to do the final finishing - not really surprised at that.  I spent a lot of the day dozing in front of rubbish television.  Leg is still very painful and can't walk, but painkillers take the edge off the pain, and I do get some sleep now, in 2-hour snatches.  I have secured a rheumatology appointment this coming Thursday.

    Sorry I can't  remember what I have read to reply to it!  My brain is befuddled with pain and medications.  Wishing all a good week.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG: Good luck with that appointment. Don't like to think of you stuck in a chair....  But the workmen are still not finished? Are these the steps or a more recent project?

    AQ: Are you watching Nadal and Federer?

    Diane: I gather that the Dept. of Homeland Security is going to comply with the judge's ruling. I may be forced to watch the Sunday political shows!  This is only going to get messier. And now we have Canada's Trudeau offering to take in any refugees the U.S. rejects. What an absolute fiasco.

    Sorry guys, I know we don't want to get into too much political stuff, but this is sooooo extraordinary.  :-)

    Very best thoughts to dear Margo.  And to Lynette, who has a doc's appt this week. 

  • Good morning all and thank you, DIANE both for starting the week and for the beautiful bird.

    OG- you will be so fed up quite apart from the fuzziness caused by the meds. I hope that your rheumatologist will give you some answers.

    ANNETTE/DIANE I heard the news regarding the immigration issues and developments so far on the World Service during the night. Then a

    discussion about why certain - perhaps- obvious, countries were excluded from the ban. Interesting theories were put forward about the possible reason for that...

  • Good Morning, All.

    Thanks to Diane for starting us off again, and with such a colourful pic!

    Been busy, and not wanting to annoy my OH by spending too much time online.....

    Back later with lots of comments, meanwhile here is today's pic:

  • Annette - Thanks for reminder. I didn't realize match has already started.

  • Woo hoo First set to Federer

    At change of ends, I've dashed out to remove covers from tomatoes. Fruit is cooking on the bush - 7.45 pm and it's still 34 C

  • Heather B said:

    Then a discussion about why certain - perhaps- obvious, countries were excluded from the ban. Interesting theories were put forward about the possible reason for that...

    I'll confess that when I heard the news about the ban I was hoping it would cover certain people from Northern Ireland who have a more than colourful past.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.