Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 January 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Mountain Bluebird
U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Annette.

    (If I've got it right, your day is just starting.)

  • Good morning all

    I have only just read the news from EE regarding OG. I'm so very sorry, it must indeed have been horrible for her and extremely worrying for EE. Thank you,EE, for taking the time to let us know. OG said herself that she believed her pain and inability to walk indicated something other than a flare up of arthritis. I'm sending love to you both, will be thinking about you.

  • ANNETTE  Happy Birthday.

    EEHow awful, What a nightmare for you both. Lots of love.

  • Thank you EE for taking the time to bring us news of OG. She must have been in such pain and pleased they have eventually found the cause.

    Best wishes to everyone else Thinking of Margo and Brenda's family.

    Kind regards


  • Just want to send some healing thoughts to OG, hope everything goes well today and she finally gets some relief from the pain.

  • Another busy morning: dusted some bits which often get missed, planted more bulbs, washed some shirts, cleaned some windows......

    Annette:  I remember Radio Luxemburg and Radio Caroline.  Our parents had a wooden conservatory built onto the kitchen, and my (much older) brother and I would sit out there with our transistor radio and listen to the latest 'pop'  -  "Terrible rubbish" said my mother, bless her!  It took some time before the ancient BBC would play any pop music either on the tv or the radio, but eventually they gave in to public demand. Thanks for your link to the 1950's --  I will try to find time to watch it through.  Memories!!

    We're off to visit our Youngest and his family tomorrow.  I may find the time to bake some fairy cakes today, if I organise myself. Its a much nicer day weather-wise.  Not much wind, and even the sun tried to come out. I've put things out on the line for the first time in two months.

  • LINDY    Have a good time with your family and safe journey.

    It is another lovely blue sky day here and not too cold either. Aren't we lucky. 

  • OG not well today. Something other than fracture has taken over concern for the moment. Group of doctors are trying stabilise her condition just now. Prayer would be welcome.

  • Went back to see my GP yesterday as my heel has been giving me pain since Dec when I slipped and fell walking Benson. The original GP said it was just a sprain which would take a few more weeks to mend. It has now been diagnosed as achilles tendonitis. The Doc was going to refer me to physio which I thought would be a waste of their time.At my request he has instead given me a sheet of exercises to do and some prescription only pain killers. Feel a bit guilty mentioning this when I think of what poor OG is going through. I am sure we will hear later from EE  It is good of him to keep us informed.

  • EE - prayers continuing for OG - may the doctors succeed in stabilising her and restoring her to full health.  And prayers for you as you wait for news.