Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 January 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Mountain Bluebird
U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • At least she is now safely in the best place, and hopefully will be on pain relief. Such a tiring and worrying day for you both. I hope you'll have more news tomorrow and that decisions can be made about her care.

    Hugs to you both.

  • Eagle-Eye. So grateful you’ve taken time to tell us of OG’s ordeal. Sending strengthening thoughts & hugs to you both.

  • A pleasant 30 C day. Not so pleasant media reports – every day now we get the DTs. OH has gone out to lunch. Across-the-road-neighbours have had shrubs removed. Perhaps their planned carport will be built after all.

  • Diane: What a lovely card. Thank you and thanks all. My birthday is indeed tomorrow the 3rd but OH and I celebrated last night with dinner at our favorite local Italian restaurant. One naughty thing: I ended up bringing home a berry/custard/whipped cream tart that I usually share but when OH decided he was too full I managed to scarf it up all by myself. Yum!

    Eagle-Eye: Oh darn. That's just awful. Poor OG. Did the fracture happen when she fell out of the car? Do let us know how she's doing and give her our hugs.

    Right, thanks Mike and everyone else - Two-Way Family Favorites it is! I ended up browsing the internet and found these two YouTube sites. The first is 12 minutes long and devoted to memories of Sunday Dinners (now lunch I believe) and accompanying radio shows and the second is a 50-minute-long rather dated documentary on Britain in the 1950s. It all seems like another world.  There appear to be several videos on Britain in the (fill in the blank).  What I remember is discovering Radio Luxembourg, which played all the latest U.S. hits, which as far as I can remember, didn't show up for about three months on the BBC.



    Heather: Wow. Houses on multiple continents. Wonder what that's like... The other half indeed.

    AQ: Ha! The DTs. Love it.  :-)

    Best thoughts to all, especially Margo and Lynette.

  • aquilareen said:

    A pleasant 30 C day. Not so pleasant media reports – every day now we get the DTs. OH has gone out to lunch. Across-the-road-neighbours have had shrubs removed. Perhaps their planned carport will be built after all.

    At least your elected leader didn't stoop to serious bum licking in the charming way ours did.  Perhaps we should have sent the Queen to deal with him.

    Eagle Eye, so sorry to hear about OG.  I hope her recovery will be reasonably straightforward.  Please pass on our kindest thoughts!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Many happy returns, Annette!

    Here's a cheerful picture to help you celebrate:

    Two of our budgies being affectionate!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Morning Clare!  Thanks for the chirpy greetings. :-)

  • Good Morning, Everyone, and hopefully, it is a good morning for poor OG, who has had a bad 24 hours.....  Thinking of her and her family as they cope with the aftermath.

    Clare, you're up early! Love the budgies! (My tablet just changed that to "buddies" but perhaps that's appropriate, too!)

    Thinking of OG and Margo today.

  • Annette, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  -  liked the sound of that yummy tart, and glad you started your celebrations early!

    Here is a Birthday Card for you:

    Have an enjoyable day! 

  • Plus, here is today's pic, to cheer us: