Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 January 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Mountain Bluebird
U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Glad you've enjoyed their visit, Heather.

    It's been another day with damp in the air, today. Bonnie went into the garden at lunchtime and started digging up the bulbs we planted at the weekend.... 

    I sat and wrote some emails, including one to our local paper about a row that's been brewing over local healthcare provision. Our local MP is absolutely useless - bah!

  • Hi everyone.

    To me - Donald Trump has no political knowledge of how things should be done and goes in gung ho like a business man signing this and that not bothering about the consequenses.  He needs to learn diplomacy!!!!  Ha. Ha. As if he would!

    Away from that,  been quite damp down here with very little sun, makes you want to hibernate but at least its warmed up a few degrees.   Wind and rain on the way so they say.

    Diane, as usual you started us off and with a beautiful picture - what a gorgeous blue the bird is.

    Lindybird - love the pic of the bunnies.

    See that Federer made a successful comeback.

    Well what will this week bring everybody - do hope that it will be good news - enjoy the week ahead.

  • Lindybird - I remember this happening to our son when living in Scotland. He was playing with a neighbour's child when the child dropped a brick on our son's foot. Took him to A&E in Stirling, not a lot they could do. Just let it heal on its own. He was only 4, bless him.

    Love todays pic, Lindy, so cute.

    Ooh - was it Big Bird Garden Watch, missed the advertising for it so haven't done it.   Really only get birds in when feeders have food in them which I try to keep topped up. Never mind - will have to remember for next year.

  • {{{HUGS}}} for Margo.


    I hope OG is recovering.


    Lovely that family is rallying around, Heather.


    Thanks for contact Linda. I intend to reply but you know how things get put off!


    It is much cooler today, low 20s. Must be all that snow you all sent LOL. OH can’t be bothered going out, so I shall have to dream up something for his lunch. Yesterday was tomato sandwiches. I can’t keep up with so many tomatoes ripening each day. I’ve just frozen a lot for winter casseroles. No nanny duty this week so I can’t send any to Dau. Bushes still covered in fruit. What did I do right this season?

  • AQ: Please send me all those tomatoes! We have to buy tomatoes that have travelled hundreds of miles, and they are ghastly!

    Annette: I would have loved the lecture that you attended.

    OG: I hope you're feeling better with less pain!

    Hello to all!

  • AQ: I was outside today, looked up and horrified (sort of) to see our Valencia orange tree has these round orange things on it. They won't ripen  for a while, but didn't I just pick the last of the latest crop the other month.

    Heather: So glad you had such a  nice weekend. You're obviously a much-loved Mom!

    Lynette: A fiasco here indeed. "Amateur hour at the White House" says the BBC.

    OG: Hope you're doing okay.

    Lindybird: Thanks for chirpy photos. Good luck with those letters to your local MP!

    Diane:  Yes - that was a lovely opening photo to start off our week; thank you.   Hope you're surviving there and enjoying some free time before your editing project starts. Is it the same client?  Will you be editing prose/content or focusing on style, punctuation, etc (or all of the above)? My friend used to edit Bon Appetit's annual cookbook - all recipes such ghastly finicky and fussy work.  

  • Hi, Annette and everyone.

    Yes, Annette, my client is the same non-profit organization. I'm working on a document that will train adults to teach older girls about healthy sexuality (preventing pregnancy, promoting safety, monitoring health, developing confidence, and making wise choices).

    This is a deep edit, so I'll be rewriting some of the text. The manuscript is 1,000+ pages and was written by multiple authors. I'll rewrite text to smooth out jarring variations in the writers' voices, achieve clarity, flesh out incomplete explanations, correct inaccuracies, etc. -- in addition to the usual edits for grammar, style, and so on. Some of the text is medical, so it'll be a challenge.

    I'm in awe of your friend. I once worked on a book about diabetes that contained recipes. Oh, how I hated editing those!!! So tedious.

    Tomorrow I'm making a trek to the grocery store to stock up on food for the next 6 weeks -- in case the weather gets bad or I don't have time to spare while I'm working on this job.

    Hope you and everyone are okay.

    By the way, folks, tomorrow you can watch the Up Helly Aa, Viking Fire Festival, on the Shetland Islands website -- the same one that several of us were watching the cruise ships on this past summer.

    OG: I hope you're feeling better tonight.

    Heather, I hope Amy is improving.

  • Diane: My friend was paid handsomely, but I don't think it mattered by the time she got to the last one:. She never wanted to see a cookbook again.  Oooh, that'll be a challenge, blending all those writing styles, not to mention doing all the copy editing too. How much time do you have to do it?  Will keep an eye on the Viking Fire Festival.

    Am watching Part 2 (watched the first half last night) of the Federer/Nadal match. It really is one for the books!  Just hope I set the timer for long enough to get the ending.   And I did!  But a bit of an odd ending what with the final challenge.    Roger is a total sweetie.  :-)

  • Good morning, all.  We're off to Minsmere today so let's hope we get some nice sightings.

    I see that President Fart has sacked the acting Attorney General for her sensible actions.  I hate to think how many people will lose their jobs as a result of his megalomania.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning, All.  After a quiet day yesterday, we now have a plethora of posts!!

    AQ: You can send some tomatoes this way, we have the awful ones from miles away at this time of year - they're tasteless! Nice for you to get a break from nanny duty. Good to hear that the snow and icicles we sent have improved the temps!

    Diane: Good to hear that you're OK. That project sounds like really hard work, and almost like rewriting the whole thing! But an interesting subject!

    Annette: I have visions of your being buried in oranges, as in a sort of Tom & Jerry cartoon!

    Clare: Enjoy Minsmere. It's windy here, so hope you don't get blown away.

    Lynette: When do you see the Doc/specialist about that throat?